Friday 27 August 2021


 Good morning.  Friday, last day of the working week, nearly the end of August, Autumn peeping around the corner and it looks as if we might get some sunshine today after a damp and drizzly day yesterday.

I drove over to Sainsbury's first thing yesterday morning and got my 'bit' (ha ha) of shopping done, home and away before popping over to Chris, bag of runner beans in hand, for coffee and a chat.
We braved the patio chairs for around fifteen minutes before deciding that it really was just that bit too chilly and moving inside.  As always, it was a great hour with lots of chuckles and catch up.

Then I came home to sort out a rather muddled email.  I have a very dear friend who, sadly, has early onset Alzheimer's and is currently in a very pleasant residential home.  What with her moving there, the issues with Dad's illness and so on and various other things, I haven't seen her for months and months. 
At first I thought she was inviting me to her home (it was very muddled!) so I turned up at the designated time, only to find it empty.  Luckily, I had my phone with me - I don't always - so I looked up the address of the home, set the Sat Nav, and headed in the right direction.  I was pretty late by that point but not to worry.
However, when I arrived and spoke to reception, I was told that they had found two diagnosed cases of Covid 19 in the home so were in lockdown.  They do have a visitor's lounge but my friend gets very distressed at the transparent screen between her and her visitor and doesn't understand the need so it wouldn't be helpful to use that.
So I left my love with her and wished I had brought some flowers or something with me although, thinking about it, maybe they wouldn't have been allowed either.
So I came home again.  At least now I know how to get there.

So that was my day.  Three things which is quite enough!

Today it is the Slimming World meeting first so fingers crossed.  Then I will be sorting out a few piles of clutter before the cleaner arrives.  When she does, I think I will pop off to the gym for the first time in absolutely ages and have a swim.  I really fancy that and it will get me out from under their feet while they work their usual magic.

If there's time and inclination, I could pop off to the allotment for some picking but, if not, that's top of tomorrow's list!
The sun is still doing it's best to shine so let's hope for the best.  Take care, I hope you have pleasant weather and a very happy day.  xx


  1. Glad you and Chris had a good natter and you got all your bits done. Hope the weather holds for you and you have a good day

    1. Thanks, Jane. It's going well so far although Alex is coming over so the swimming has been put off until tomorrow, maybe early morning.

  2. I'm feeling guilty now as I've not been swimming for weeks......very bad!
    Have a good day - looks a bit chilly out this morning

    1. Well, I didn't go as Alex turned up but maybe to0morrow.
      It was chilly earlier but the sun has warmed things up very nicely. x

  3. Sad about your friend, I think it is all our worst nightmares to end up losing your marbles.

    1. I think so, yes. It's sad. Thanks, Diane.

  4. Enjoy your swim. Would your friend be up for a zoom chat? Maybe somebody in the Care Home could set it up for her.

    1. I was going to suggest Zoom as well, especially as she was able to send an email so has some familiarity with computers. I hope you enjoyed your swim today. xx

      P.S. It seems all the supermarket sell okra now. I've ordered some from Tesco but if they're out of stock will try M&S or Aldi next week.

    2. I'm going to ask her daughter about that. It seems a good alternative for now.
      Good news about the okra! Happy hunting.

  5. It's definitely warm coat weather this morning. The thought of a dip in a chilly pool makes me shudder.

    1. lol - it is an indoor pool and kept comfortably warm so not so bad.

  6. I'm sorry you weren't able to see your friend but glad you weren't exposed to Covid. It's so hard these days with worries over Covid. The Delta variant is rampant in the US right now. So frustrating. If people would only get their vaccinations!! I hope you enjoyed a lovely swim and have a great weekend ahead! Stay safe.

    1. I feel a bit foolish about the swim because it didn't happen, for very good reason.
      Yes, I've read that the US is having high rates of infection right now. Vaccines would help, I am sure and I think each state has different rules about them anyway. It is very worrying world wide and one wonders when we will start feeling safe again.

  7. One of our closest friends has got vascular dementia.It is so,so sad.He has led a really interesting life and it has all gone.His wife who has just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s is looking after him but struggling and I think he will have to go into residential care very soon.He just keeps saying “I want to go home”.The doors have to be kept locked or he goes walkabout.He is also almost blind too.So sad.

    1. That is so very sad and my heart goes out to the family. I saw Dad's struggles with Mum. It's a horrible thing, robbing people of all their dignity and individuality. xx
