Saturday 7 October 2017


Good morning.  Saturday again.  It doesn't seem a week since I finished my holiday but it is.  Amazing!

Yesterday turned out to be lovely.  Not all that warm but sunny and cheerful.  Beth and I did about two hours on the allotment and it's now looking better.  After the general clear up (see below), there's stuff to move but there's time for that and I intend to spend several sessions there next week, just working through what needs to be done while tomorrow Beth and I are going to get some needed stuff online as well as potting up some of the strawberries in my garden to replant there.

With the disruption over the summer, it's been nearly two months since I last put in a session and Beth did her back in, so we are both more than grateful that some friends of hers all met up there a couple of weeks ago to clear, harvest, weed, tidy and generally get things sorted, rewarded by veg, cake, shortbread and jam!  Bartering is good.

The remains of the 'cage' have now gone which has opened out the space and given us more growing room.  It's now a question of deciding where we want the pathways to be.  We know we want to make it interesting, not just strips going from side to side but more like a sort of patchwork.  Daft, I know, but we do.  We have plans for an asparagus bed - just a small one - and to plant the aforementioned strawberries as well as raspberries.  At the moment there is rainbow chard and leeks and we have more leeks and some kale to plan out next week too.  Before the winter hits, we are going to try broad beans for the first time and the rest of the ground will be covered over until the spring.

I got back home just as the cleaner was finishing and spent some time planning and then relaxed with my kindle for a while before popping out for a tuition session. 

All in all, a nice day.

Today there's not much planned until the evening when Jackie and I are going into town to see a plan, 'A Princess Undone', at the Civic.  I hope it's good - it is supposed to be.  J is coming round for an early light meal and I think I shall make a wrap based 'pizza' and a salad.

Before then, I notice that on the Drama channel they are showing back to back episodes of the first series of  The Duchess of Duke Street.  Now that really is a blast from the past so I will give it a go.  I loved it first time round but things move on and I wonder if it will come over as well nowadays.  I will see, won't I?

I've just realised I haven't put the coffee on so I will remedy that now.  It's still completely dark so I might take my coffee back up and read in bed for a while.  After all, it is Saturday.

Or I might just get on with some of the planning for next week.  😁

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