Friday 27 October 2017


Good morning, everyone.  Having said that I might not post every day, I have done.  :-)  However, don't be concerned if there are some gaps.

It's been a funny old week, weather wise.  Yesterday was perhaps more typically Autumnal.  Dismal, dark and drizzly.  That drizzle that pervades everything and against which an umbrella is worse than useless.  Fortunately, I had no reason to go out once I had done a shop at Tescos before the rain started and had no prejudices against drawing the curtains early to shut it all out!  I don't know how people manage without curtains on these dark, damp afternoons.
I haven't looked out yet so have no idea about today but I gather it is due to get colder over the weekend.  I'm yearning for the first frost (frosts are so beautiful) so you never know!

Half term is nearly over now,  I do hope that all my readers with school aged children have been able to have an enjoyable week with plenty of  fun and excitement.

I impulse bought at Tesco yesterday.  You know those 'bags for life', the plastic 'woven' ones that have nice pictures on the outside.  Well, I saw one that had a flowery patchwork pattern and one that had a Chr*stm*s design and I got them both.  No, I don't need any more bags but . . . so that's 90p down the drain!

Have a good day, one and all, and stay dry!

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