Sunday 22 November 2015


Borrowed from Google, thank you.
Brrrr.  It is a chilly morning with just a touch of frost on the roofs of the sheds, the first frost of the season, although nowhere near as heavy as in the photo!  However, it is snug and warm inside so no complaints.  The wind has died down so I wonder if I will get some outdoor drying done.  It's worth a go, I think, don't you, as the sky looks clear?

As I hoped, yesterday was nice and relaxing.  I made soup.  I roasted pork (and had some, hot, in fresh bread with a little sprinkling of salt - mmmmmmmmmmm).  I caught up with the ironing (cheers).  I made bread and generally had quite a lazy time.  I decided I didn't need to go shopping so I didn't.  When I do, it will be for milk and maybe fresh veg rather than anything else.

I enjoy Saturday telly at the moment.  It started off with Celebrity Pointless which I don't always enjoy as much as the daily version as they (the celebrities) can be very silly at times, almost as if the feel they NEED to show off.  However, last night's winners were Frances and Richard from Bake-Off and they came over very well.  Then it was Strictly and it seems to have bumped up a level: the dances were all really good and Peter Andre came last!  Will he be in the dance off though?

Then my old fave, Doctor Who.  Enjoyable, a little bit scary, very sad and kept me awake.  No spoilers here though.

Today is more of the same as my quiet retirement life clocks in again.  I do need to prepare the spare room for some more visitors but that won't take long.  I have promised Beth a baking of bread so that will be nice, I have ironing to put away and I need to do a little bit of tidying up/clearing out.  None of it will be very heavy.

Beth and Alex are coming to dinner so I will do a roast with the pork for me and Al and I have something vegetarian in the freezer for Beth.  While the pork was roasting yesterday I really wanted Yorkshires - it was the smell, you know - so I will do them with roast spuds, roast parsnips and carrots.  All very roasty but very delicious too and dead easy.  Then for dessert I will defrost some roasted spiced plums and just have them warm, maybe with custard or creme fraiche.

I think I will have a porky day as I really fancy a bacon sarnie for breakfast!  Then lunch will be the roast and I think tea will be more of the parsnip soup I made yesterday which was really good (recipe in t'other blog)

Now it is time for coffee and a quick trawl around the kitchen.  I might even throw a bit of clutter away today - I feel energetic!

Have a good one, gentle readers.  Hope you can stay warm.


  1. It's a gorgeous clear cold day here. I've cleaned the kitchen and a hundred bird feeders. I'm now sat enthralled watching Tom Hanks on Graham Norton

  2. Good for you. I haven't watched any telly yet but am just about to switch on and see what's there. It's s-s-so cold outside. Thank goodness for the curtains.
    J x

  3. Hi Joy - recently found your lovely blog and have been reading older posts - you certainly have a busy life!!
    I am also a retiree from Essex so very much enjoy reading some local stories!!

  4. Hi, Gill, lovely to meet you. Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoy what you read.
    I'm mid Essex, of course - wherezabouts are you (roughly)?
    J x

  5. Hi Joy I am further south in Essex - I worked in Southend for 31 years!

  6. Ah! We were in Southend for a school visit earlier in the year. We had a lovely time.
    J x
