Wednesday 25 November 2015


A slightly belated 'good morning' to you all, gentle readers.  I didn't exactly sleep in.  Well, I did but there was a reasons.  I had a wakey spell in the night so came downstairs to be busy until tiredness should return - which it did!  When there's no school it is not a problem but when there it it becomes more of an issue.
However, as there is NO SCHOOL UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY (probably), sleeping in a bit just doesn't matter.

I say 'no school' but, in fact, there are a few things.  Firstly I shall be going in tomorrow as a 'granny helper' in Y2 and then on Friday I have offered to help FONS (the parents' association) to start to get things ready for the Christmas Fair.  Ditto next Monday.  However, they are not 'need to get up and into school early' things so it's quite different.

I really did enjoy yesterday.  Two hours with the year ones I have been teaching for most of the last three weeks and then the rest of the day with one of the foundation stage classes and, my word, haven't they come on!  They were almost a different class.  They now have their routines and structures established and it's all a whole lot easier.  Well done!

On to today and we are having a sort of 'craft' day.  Beth's coming over and getting on with her project.  I will be making more little gift bags.  I'm looking forward to it very much.  We might pop out at some point to visit Lakeland, depending on how it all goes.

Food today is toast, etc, for breakfast, leek and potato soup for lunch and for dinner I have retrieved some savoury mince from the freezer and will make a savoury crumble with roasties, carrots, peas and maybe some roast parsnips.  Cheese and crackers for dessert!

Well, must go.  The guests are emerging from the bedroom and breakfast is calling.  Have a good day!


  1. I woke for a wee at 2.57 and was wide awake so came downstairs. Think I nodded back off just after 4 and then it was a struggle to get my wriggle into gear for work

  2. Goodness, that was pretty well what I did too. Snap!
    J x
