Sunday 30 August 2015


I shall have runner beans coming out of my ears at this rate!

Good morning!  Yesterday was quite a good day.

I cooked the mince at last and it was really very tasty.  It's currently chilling in the freezer in single portions with one larger portion for a lasagne next week.

I had found some frozen cherries in a bag that had been opened in the freezer so I thawed them and made cherry and apple jam.  The apple adds a bit of a texture but the flavour is lovely.  I'm finding all sorts of things as I slowly work my way deeper and deeper into the frozen depths so there may be more flavour mixes to come..

After seeing them on Bake off, I ordered a baguette tray and it came yesterday so, of course, I had to give it a whirl.  I used my usual recipe (granary/wholemeal) so not authentic and not terribly crusty either but the shape was great!
They look OK, don't they?
As the day went on and the weather stayed fine, I remembered that I have to water the new turf at the front every day (unless it rains) so I set up the new hose and gave it a good soaking.  Then I fed and watered the tomatoes and watered the runner beans whereupon it started raining!  Typical.  It didn't really stop raining after that and it was a very dark and gloomy evening indeed.  Chilly too.  This morning seems to be dry at the moment although it has obviously rained at some point overnight.

When I went to bed I set the alarm the alarm because I want an early swim - that's the first time I've set the alarm since the end of last term.  However, as usual, I woke a short time before it was due to go off.
I also want to have another go at baguettes, using white flour and adapting the recipe a bit.  Then I really will have more than enough bread for next week!!!
I've also realised I can use the tray to make hot dog shaped rolls.  I never seem to manage the shape usually, getting almost round ones, but the tray should keep them nicely in shape.  Worth a go anyway.  So that's a job for today.

Better go and get ready for swimming now.  Cossie, then skirt and top and remember to take undies with me in my swimming bag.  I love my swimming bag.  I had some 'love shopping' vouchers so I popped into Matalan to see what they had and found what is really a 'cabin bag' for plane journeys but which does perfectly for swimming.  It was a bit dearer than I had hoped but free really with the voucher.  It fits perfectly inside the locker and holds loads!

Breakfast:  tomatoes on toast, apple
Lunch:  Leftover take away Chinese with Beth (her leftovers, not mine!)
Tea:  soup, apple, yogurt


  1. Every single week there is a girl who forgets her knick knacks at school on swimming day!! Hilarious! I made baguettes too, using a tray I got from Lakeland, think it's on the blog somewhere, but my top tip would be to get some semolina to roll and shape them on. It's such a soft dough and the crunch it gives is marvellous!

  2. I still chuckle at the memory of when a mummy helper came back from the pool with a little pair of pants and said 'I think someone has forgotten something'!
    We asked round, tactfully, all the little boys had a peek and one turned red!

    J x
