Saturday 29 August 2015


Good morning, gentle readers.  And what a lovely morning it is too.  Sunny and bright and quite still at the moment.  Yesterday was more breezy but still very lively with more or less wall-to-wall sunshine all day.  The mornings and evenings are not so warm now but that suits me fine.

Yesterday turned out to be quite hectic one way and another.  After my hour of swimming (40 lengths) I came home and soon after that Beth and Alex turned up, having done some 'bus education' by busing over rather than using the car.  Al's never used a bus before and it's about time he knew how to.  He had a day ticket and off he went to carry on exploring buses and their routes with a map and his ticket to freedom.  I gather he had a good time and by the time I had taken Beth home (as she had bussed over) he was also home.  He can teach me now and I will get my free bus pass.

I made some soup for lunch which turned out fine.  I found butter beans in the freezer and boiled them up with some mixed root veg and some stock before zizzing it.  It really was very nice indeed and I am glad I have more for lunch today.

In the afternoon, first of all the turf man came to lay the turf in the rest of my front bit which now looks very nice indeed.  I just have to remember to water it every single day for months and months (OK, slight exaggeration!).  Turf man was also quite positive about helping us to sort out the edges in the allotment because it's a bit beyond us, so that was a good thing too.

While he was doing that the lovely Sharon turned up and now Beth and I both have neat and tidy heads again!  She always does such an amazing job!

AND, while all of that was going on the cleaners arrived.  Now I know this sounds like very bad management but it isn't really.  I have a day for the cleaners and they come when they can.  Normally that hasn't been much of a problem but this time it all happened at the same time.  Turf man should have come earlier in the week but the torrential rain made that one a no-hoper.
Ah, well, it got it all over and done with.

I popped next door to ask my lovely neighbours to tell their lads to keep off the turf for a while and, bless them, they had already done it.  No footballs, no bicycles, no feet, don't even LOOK at it!!!

Today I won't be going swimming.  My young gardeners come this morning and the front much needs their attention!  I must bake more bread and then I will be well set for next week' visitors.  I must get that mince done.  I must iron.  I really must sort out the fridge!

The runner beans have suddenly decided that it's all go and I have loads.  So some picking is in order.  I need to feed the tomatoes and do a bit of sweeping the patio.

So all that should keep me out of trouble.

I belong to a facebook group that is for KS1 teachers.  There are a lot of young teachers on it and recently it's been all about getting your classrooms ready.  I've been somewhat amazed at the lengths some have gone to.  Every square inch of wall and display space has been covered with learning or inspirational stuff.  No spaces anywhere.  Maybe that's the done deal nowadays but I know I have always put up enough to make the bay look welcoming, the theme title and some needed stuff but with plenty of inviting spaces for their own work to go up too in the first few weeks.  I think I'm out of date!
Having said that, the photos of the classrooms look amazing!

Today's food:
Breakfast:  tomatoes on toast, fruit
Lunch:  soup and bread, yogurt
Dinner:  spag bol and runner beans (weird but tasty!), fruit, yogurt

I changed yesterday's dinner plan.  Whilst rootling in the freezer I found half a bag of oven chips and some sliced ham so I had ham and chips.  I was going to have ham, egg and chips but decided I wasn't hungry enough!


  1. :-) It should be 'rooting' really but I prefer the other!
    J x

  2. Ham egg and chips was a main feature on any cafe menu darn scarf! My displays are like yours. A title. Some info n space for the children's work. Otherwise it just becomes wallpaper! I've had children who do use the working walls, but others haven't actually 'seen' them all year!! As in to not even use the times tables cards up there in a test!!

  3. That's children for you, isn't it? My experience is similar and I prefer to put things up that are relevant at that time - or move them about somewhat so that they impact. Or, as you say - just wallpaper!
    J x
