Sunday 9 August 2015


 . . . at least I think it is Sunday - I've rather lost count of the days this week.  Yes, it's Sunday!  A bright, sunny, cool start to the day which bodes well for later on.  I've been out to give the plants their morning drink and it's actually pretty cool which I should have guessed at because I snuggled under the quilt all night.

Thanks for all the concern about the toe.  No, it isn't broken and, after some meds, it was a whole lot better yesterday and remains so today.  I can feel it and I wouldn't like to bash it again but it's OK.

As I anticipated, yesterday was a quiet day.  All the usual things - washing and ironing (my washing and ironing baskets have never been so empty), bread and then, mostly, knitting or snoozing.  I've nearly finished the little something and am looking around for something else to knit now.  I have shedloads of yarn so that's not a problem.

Today looks like being more of the same.  After all, it IS the weekend!  I've already done a bit of garden pottering after I watered the plants which included admiring the ever more orange tomatoes and counting the baby runner beans, cutting off some dead heads and pulling a few weeds.  I swear those weeds grow overnight!  The crocosmias have finished flowering now but the leaves are still green and provide a nice fill in for the middle bed.  I will need to find at least one more non-spreading, higher-growing something that flowers nicely to fill the gaps when I dig them out.  I've got a Japanese anemone (which is looking wonderful now) and I've got a delphinium and a whatever-you-call-it thing (I forget) that I bought last week at Bickerdikes.  I wish there were pink crocosmias.  Might take a look and see!

Apart from that, my list says kitchen, cupboard, bedroom, knitting in that order . . . oh, and I need to boil a ham!

It's a bit frustrating - I have loads of photos on my camera but my PC isn't recognising it so I'm a bit stuck right now.  Ah. well, it won't be long before I have the new one up and running.  Then I can get colourful in here again!  I haven't got Photoshop on my laptop yet and I don't trust my techno knowledge enough to try on a new machine!

Well, it is nearly seven o'clock and if I don't get going fairly soon I will have wasted away most of the day.  Have a good 'un!

Edited to add this because I forgot!
Breakfast:  toast and jam - today it was pear and cinnamon on one slice and strawberry on the other.  Both delish!  Yogurt, fruit
Lunch:  ham salad, yogurt, fruit
Dinner:  a stir fry of some kind because I have veg to use up and I will probably make the sauce with honey, lemon or lime, mustard and maybe some garlic and ginger as well. Might add some shreds of ham too as I will have a freshly boiled joint.   I have some orzo that needs using up so I'll probably have it with that.  A right mix and goodness knows how it will turn out but it's good to use up and not throw out, isn't it?  Yogurt, fruit.


  1. Glad the toe is improving! I envy you a night cool enough for a duvet - I was awake all night because my bedroom was like an oven. Unfortunately the fan has to sit at the far end of the room and really makes very little difference

  2. I feel for you. There's nothing more guaranteed to keep one awake than a hot room - unless it is a guilty conscience! Will you be able to have a bit of a snooze?
    Is it a space problem or a socket problem? If the latter, how about an extension cable?
    J x

  3. My bedroom turns into an oven during the day but with the door open at night it is much cooler however the barking dogs then disturb my sleep so there doesn't seem to be a happy compromise.

  4. Those next door barking dogs are a menace! Seems wrong you can't do something about it really.
    J x
