Monday 17 October 2011


. . . and another week starts.  The last one before half term.  The children are very tired so I guess it's a case of taking it easy, not pushing too much and repeating instructions ad infinitum if necessary!

Again, the house smells wonderful.  The bread maker did its usual magic overnight and I made muffins this morning.  Not banana ones after all, just plain ones with some added cinnamon, cranberries and orange oil.  Nice!

I did the necessary yesterday and dismantled the tomatoes.  There's a lot of green ones but I've laid them in a tray and they will sit before the French window to catch the sun in the hopes that some ripen off.  Those that don't will be chutnified so there's no losers really.  IO felt rather sad though - those three tomato plants have been well looked after this year and it felt wrong, somehow, to just strip them.  Ah, well, the brown bin will be the gainer.  Which reminds me - better go and put it out for collection!

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