Tuesday 10 October 2023

Tuesday, 10-10-23

 Morning, everyone.  Yesterday might not have been all that warm in the morning but it was still lovely.

I got to the surgery in good time for the shingles vaccine and was out before I was due to go in after a jolly good chat to the nurse while she was getting the equipment ready, so that was good.  I thought it was going to be a single vaccine but it wasn't, I have to have the second half of it in six to twelve months' time and then it will be done.  It was a bit achy afterwards but I popped the pain killers and it's fine.  No rash, no more aches once the med had worn off, and it didn't even feel hot. 
So that's all my vaccines for this year.  Excellent.

Then I popped round the corner to Aldi and got a bit more than I expected but it is all stuff I will use.  There was some chicken at half price, for example, and I get through a lot of chicken so I was pleased with that.

Once home, I had breakfast, got changed and drove over to circuits.  It was so nice and sunny that Lindsey had everything set up in her garden  and it was lovely.  She told us that if the sun shines, she will do circuits outside, even when it turns colder.  Fine by us.

In the afternoon it was a bit more heavy.  I finished the safeguarding stuff (Governors' meeting on Wednesday so it was on my conscience) and then I ploughed my way through a 178 page download from the Government website called Keeping Children Safe in Education which we are supposed to read every year.  The training was fine and I got all the assessment stuff right first time - a lot of it is a matter of common sense and knowing the protocols.  KCSIE is heavier and I really haven't remembered all that much about it but, thankfully, most of it isn't relevant to the governing body anyway - well, it is but only sort of.
I need to re-read some other related policies too - behaviour policies, etc - and never, ever, ever will I ever take on the role of Safeguarding Link Governor.  No way!  SEND is enough for me.

I was relieved to get it done and dusted.

Today there's Groove first thing and then Diane is coming over for lunch and to talk about all things Christmas Cruise related.
Later on, Seth should be coming to discuss Garden Room details - we're nearly there!
Quite a full day really, but a really good one (I hope).  Hoping the same for you.  xx


  1. All that stuff you have to read for your Governor's duties sounds really daunting. I don't envy you. Have a lovely time planning your Cruise - how exciting! xx

    1. Having been in education, some of it is really quite interesting, to be fair, but it does make me super-glad I no longer have to remember so much of it and KCSIE is quite daunting but so very, very important.
      And reading through some policies is snooze-creating. :-)

      I'm really looking forward to today. :-) xx

    2. I read your post with a set smile for many years I was Safeguarding Governor for a special needs school that I worked at . When I first started it was complicated but manageable and enjoyable but as time went on it got more and more complex and onerous. In the end I was going to have to attend a nine week course in the evenings on Safeguarding and I knew then that enough was enough so stepped down. It was a pity but I felt I had done my bit. Regards Sue H

    3. You most certainly had, Sue, I am filled with admiration. It really is a very complex thing now, the whole safeguarding thing, and while I know it has grown and developed in response to awful things that have happened to try and prevent them ever happening again, it's becoming pretty unmanageable in some way. I don't mean the governor role, I mean the whole thing.
      I don't know what the answer is really. xx

  2. It seems that every role now is more demanding than in the past. x x

    1. There's certainly a lot more legislation around everything now. Too much, perhaps. xx

  3. Glad that you, Beth and Alex enjoyed your break together at Elveden.
    Hope you will be ok after your shingles jab. Hubby has his covid one this afternoon.
    Today I'm finishing the backing on a small cross stitch project so that I can hang it up properly. Have a good day x

    1. Thank you. Yes, apart from a slightly sore arm, all is back to normal now, thank goodness.
      Enjoy the results of your project. xx

  4. So nice to catch up with some nice blog reading, I pad issues continue but are rather random - I seem to be able to publish comments today!
    If I go quiet I'm still reading your comforting posts but just not able to comment:-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Understood, Alison, and thank you for reading, even when Blogger is being a nuisance. xx
