Sunday 29 October 2023

Sunday, 29-10-23

Good morning, everyone.  The sun is shining and everything is sparkly after some more overnight rain.  I don't know the temperature because I've brought my thermometer in while the work is going on but it doesn't feel all that chilly really.

I saw this on Facebook . . .

. . . and that was so me for the longest time - well, not the sundial but the rest.  Now, I keep a print out from my oven manual in the kitchen because I can never remember which buttons to press to reset the clock and, thankfully, the car reset is just a few presses of a button.  In my old car, it used to be an hour out for half the year!
Interestingly, my radio controlled clock hasn't reset so I've stood it by a window to catch the vibes.  Fingers crossed.
(I'd like a sundial but there's nowhere to put it really.)

For a rest day, I seemed to get quite a lot done yesterday - well, three loads of washing and drying, some garden clearing and some ironing while watching Strictly.  I'm feeling loads better now, thanks very much.

The next Broomfield coach trip newsletter came through and I've booked another one.  This one is a beaut - Swan Lake in the round, opening night, Royal Albert Hall, next June.  Woo hoo!!  

I don't seem to have an awful lot to do today apart from finishing the ironing, more gardening and the usual housworky stuff.  I do have some Nadiya and some Jamie to catch up on which will be enjoyable and I am once again crocheting squares for a blanket to go into the Sally Army drop off.  I am sure they will be able to give it a home with someone who needs it.  I swear that, like coathangers, yarn stashes reproduce overnight!

I must go to Morrisons too - I have checked my tea bags and I have enough for three mugs each.  That's not enough, is it?  We're OK on biscuits though and I have a larger carton of milk to see us through.  Must keep the lads happy - they are doing such a great job.

And the clock has reset!  Obviously, where I like to keep it now is not a particularly good place.    I will need to remember this come the spring.

Have a super Sunday, everyone.  Be good - but not too good.  😉  xx


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. We have torrential rain again but mild with thunder predicted. The market in our nearby country park will once again be hit by bad weather which is a disaster for the stallholders. A day of sewing and crafting I think for me. Catriona

    1. That's awful for them, I agree. I know this is bad weather season generally but it dopes seem particularly unpleasant at the moment.
      Enjoy your crafting . . . xx

  2. Swan Lake in the round will be fantastic I'm sure, we saw Madam Butterfly in the round there and it was amazing.

    1. Oh - I bet that was good. Haw fantastic. xx

  3. Glad you are feeling better. Swan lake sounds great, really something to look forward to. Our dog had not seen the clock memo, he was awake wanting to go outside and have breakfast at 5 08. Okay for him but I was then wide awake. Enjoy your Sunday Joy.

    1. Dogs and babies - I remember when mine were little!
      Thanks - you too. xx

  4. Swan Lake will be something lovely to look forward to next year. A real treat.
    I think all my clocks are sorted. The magic changing ones have done their thing and for the others, I have two technical people on hand.
    Have a lovely rest of the day x

    1. I forgot the microwave but that was the easiest of the lot! xx

  5. Aren't oven clocks ridiculous? What surprised me this morning was the car - New this year and with silly amounts of, what is to me, unnecessary tech, it is steadfastly refusing to reset itself - weird!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. What a nuisance. Has it got its act together now? xx

    2. Not yet! x
      Ali x

    3. Stupid thing (the car clock, I mean)! xx

  6. I missed this post! We always leave the car clocks and add an hour in the summer months. Everything else sorts itself out:-) x x x
