Saturday 28 October 2023

Saturday, 28-10-23

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the weekend.  A bit of a special weekend as the clocks go back overnight - don't forget!

First of all, thank you so much for your lovely comments yesterday - I was in an unusually negative frame of mind with my niggles about whether I had made a big and expensive mistake in having a garden room built.  I think I might have been brewing something because through the day I didn't feel great at all - a bit giddy, a bit achey, very weary, like a migraine without the actual headache - so perhaps that was why.

Anyway, I've come out of that.  Yes, the garden looks a right mess at the moment; yes, I will need to think carefully about taller foliage in the middle bed and in pots to sort of break up the view from the house and I will have to move my existing pots around for the same reason but that's OK, I can do that.
But I have had three kind of bucket dreams in my life since retirement - solar panels, Northern Lights and a garden room and I am so, so lucky that all three have happened this year, thanks to Mum and Dad's legacy.  What am I even thinking of to worry, eh? 
So thank you again for your encouragement.  You are all so lovely.

Yesterday, it started off as a concrete slab and ended up like this. 
If you look along the back, you can see two wood supports closer together - that is where the dividing wall will be for the shed part and the freezer will go against that bit of back wall in the shed.
After various consultations with Seth, it looks as if I can have seven tall cupboard units along the back and they will just fit perfectly, leaving a good space in front for living!

It's going to have an oil heater, wired in, probably one of those nice modern floor to ceiling kinds, with a thermostat so it can be controlled.  I don't want it to get really cold in the winter and I want to be able to warm it up when needed.

Now my brain is buzzing about how to organise moving stuff around.  I want things like the Christmas china and the china I brought back from Mum and Dad that Alex might want at some point to go in there, I have to decide what garden stuff I want in the shed (there will be open shelving) in there which I already have and what I can then more around in the house.  It's going to take a while but I'd like it all sorted before Christmas, fingers crossed.
(I'm thinking out loud here.  It will be like this for a while, please bear with me.)

In other news about yesterday, I went to SW and found I'd lost half a pound so I'm still nicely within target range.  And I won the raffle - a decorative squash type thingy, some hallowe'en pasta shapes (and I am still trying to use up the Christmas shapes from last year!) and a jar of pasta sauce.  Also a sort of serving dish with hallowe'eny pictures on which I hastily donated to the first taker!!   
Mel was giving out her Avon books so I have that to go through today too - something to do when I am sitting down.

Later on, a couple of parcels arrived.  The windproof coat I ordered from Cotton Traders is just right (and I am assuming if it is windproof it's also going to be fairly waterproof but I have a foldup mac to put on top, if necessary), the size 8 slightly sparkly top from M&S fits perfectly and looks quite elegant with leggings and the heeled ankle boots I also ordered.  Note to self - must practise walking around in them as I'm not used to heels, even little, chunky ones.

I'm still feeling a little bit fragile this morning so will be taking things easy but I do have some pottering-type things to do.  Thanks to the cleaners, the house is nice and clean, but I have a full washing basket and my bed needs changing - might do that tomorrow - plus I really need to tidy up what I can of the garden.  Oh, and I need to buy some more tea bags too.  Annoyingly, after fighting to stay up and awake yesterday evening, I still woke just after three this morning and lord only know what time I will wake tomorrow morning with that extra hour.  Oh, well, it is what it is and at least I can go with the flow nowadays, can't I?  

Have a lovely weekend, everyone.  Are you chilling of busy today?  Hope it all goes well for you anyway.  xx


  1. Morning Joy. Your garden room will be fantastic when completed and you will use it a lot I'm sure. Hope the wobbles are better now.
    We're off to Charlecote Park (NT) today to see the pumpkin display in their kitchens. Maybe a walk if the weather holds off. Tell you more on my next post. Have a restful weekend x

    1. Yes, the wobbles and the wibbles are fine now, thanks. I feel really tired but that's not an issue.
      Have a wonderful time at Charlecote Park. I looked it up and it looks fantastic. Fingers crossed for the weather for your trip. xx

    2. Just got back. Weather was perfect and the sun was out as well .

    3. Excellent. I'm so glad you had a lovely day. xx

  2. It's exciting seeing something coming to fruition. I'm sure all of us onlookers are looking forward to seeing the finished, furnished article:-) x x

    1. Yes, it is exciting, you're right. Fear not, you will be taken through it from beginning to end, believe me . . . :-)
      Thanks, Janice.

  3. Oh Joy, that garden room will be gorgeous when it's all completed. Just imagine curling up in there with a good book on a summer's evening.

    1. Mmm - yes, or curled up with the heating on watching the snow flutter down (if we ever get snow again).
      It will be lovely. xx

  4. Sorry to read about you having the wobbles yesterday (I missed reading blogs for a couple of days). It's no wonder really, it's a big undertaking and a bit of a shock seeing the larger footprint and work. But just think how it'll look when it's all done - you'll be delighted, I'm sure. How lovely to get a nice top in a size 8 - that must be such a wonderful feeling. Have a nice chilled day Joy, rest up and take things easy. xx

    1. Yews, it's a nice feeling but the sizing comes up large, I'm not really a eight. I do feel good about it though.
      And yes, it's going to be lovely and a real asset when it's done. And, I 've just realised, it's going to stop so many footballs coming over from the house that backs onto mine (with a pathway in between). I am sure the lads will be pleased about that. Equally, I am sure there will be some. :-)

  5. The shed looks great so far. Old Man Winter showed up and we have ten inches of snow. Good reason to stay home and tidy. I live 40 miles one way from my mailbox and the nearest grocery store so raiding my pantry and freezer. I am glad it is well stocked. Yesterday was chilli soup with corn muffins and rice pudding. Today with be spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic toast.

    1. Oh, my goodness - tren inches. The UK grinds to a half for less than half of that!! I'm glad you're well stocked. xx

  6. The garden room is coming along nicely. I love the idea of floor to ceiling cupboards. Lots of lovely storage. Great idea to be able to heat the room as well.

    God bless.

    1. Yup, that's the idea. Lovely storage. Really, I shouldn't need it but at the moment I do and I intend to make the most of the opportunity to have a good old sort out as I decide what goes where. :-)
      I want to be able to use it all year round, hence the heating.

  7. So glad all your plans are coming together. What are Northern Lights? I must have missed that addition to your house.

    1. Oh, Chris, I am so excited about this one. I'm going on a cruise over Christmas and New Year called 'In search of the Northern Lights'. It sails from Southampton (not all that far away really) and goes up the coast of Norway into the Arctic Circle with various excursions on the way.
      That's why I'm fussing about clothes too - we don't get extremes of weather here.

  8. Take care of yourself! Hope you feel 100% soon. Glad that the new clothes fit.

    It's nice to be able to treat yourself. We have to get things done around the house (thanks to money from Mum and Jane) and we'll have the money to do it now. I did spend some of the money from Mum and treat myself to a new camera. She really used to enjoy seeing my photos and when I'm out and about I think of her as I take one I'm really proud of. It goes without saying that I'd rather have her back though. x

    1. Thanks, Sharon, I'm loads better now.
      It is so lovely to have these reminders, isn't it? And yes, I'd rather have them back too, absolutely 100% but . . . ((( hugs for us both and anyone else in the same boat )))
