Friday 13 October 2023

Friday, 13-10-23

 Morning, all.  Friday 13th, maybe unlucky for some but not around here.  :-)

Yesterday afternoon was pretty productive.  I did some shed, getting the food stash shelves cleared and the cans, etc, upstairs for a few weeks.  Sme cleaning stuff got chucked - some of the things I brought back from clearing Mum and Dad's house was actually stuff I haven't used and was opened so rather dried up and crusty sort of thing.  
Then, just now, when I went out to get today's supplies in, I moved the bits left in the front opening freezer into the one I am keeping which was nearly the last bit of a long project.  Now all I have to do is clear all the stuff off the top, defrost it and clean it up.

Today starts with Slimming World and I'm a bit anxious as to what those scales will tell me after last week.  However, it is what it is and I'm back to my usual deliciously healthy eating now so that's what it is all about really.

After group, I need to pop into Morrisons and then I thought I would go to B&Q and Homebase to look at their kitchen doors/units.
The house is pretty cleaner friendly, which is nice; there's just a very few things to tidy up or put away.  However, I did a load of washing yesterday, dried inside, so I have that to iron at some point.
And there's finishing off the freezer.  I'll feel so good when that's all done.

So just a normal day really.  How about you?  xx


  1. You have reminded me that I need to defrost our freezer. I mean, I remember every time I open it, then forget again as soon as the door's shut. Out of sight, out of mind . . . x x

    1. The one I am keeping also needs a good defrost but I tell myself to wait until it's a bit colder. Fair enough, it is more sensible to wait until it's cold, don't you think? xx

  2. You sound a lot busier than me, so far all I've done is drink coffee and reheat lunch - oh yes, I've got some homemade bread on the go, finding that it bakes well in the air fryer. Rotten weather here today so dogs are waiting on their walk!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That's interesting. I tried an ordinary load in the air fryer and wasn't that impressed - but air fryers do differ, don't they?
      We've just had a bit of sunshine and I was just about to hang out the sheets when it clouded over again and now it looks like rain again. I think it's tumble dryer weather really.
      Wishing you a dry walk.
