Sunday 15 October 2023

Sunday, 15-10-23

 Good morning, everyone.  The sun is just rising - I can't see it from where I am but I can see the effect.

Like this.
And in the time it's taken for me to take the photo, get it onto the PC, edit it and refresh my coffee, the sun has risen more and is now lighting up the house with the pigeon on and the first impact has gone.

We've had a cold night.  My garden thermometer tells me that it went down to 3.5C - brrrrrrr - and BBC weather says that the highest temperature will be around 10C through the day, despite some bright sunshine.  What a change!!
My warm slippers are on, my winter hand knits are ready and I have my faithful oodie plus the sunshine will be charging up my solar panel battery and keeping my living room and bedroom warm - it's pretty good really, isn't it?

As some of you commented yesterday, it was changeable weather.  I got my washing out on the line and just as I placed the last peg, it started spitting with rain.  The sky looked a bit ominous so I brought it all in again and got out my little drying rack (bought decades ago, Wilco, something like £3.99).  Of course, as soon as I had draped everything over it, out came the sun again.  Isn't that always the way!  Blow it, thought I, and left it all on the rack in front of the window to catch the sun.
That meant it wasn't all totally dry by the evening so I think that's the first thing on today's list.

After banging on about being more frugal, into my mailbox yesterday popped Ray's latest trip newsletter and I've booked a trip to Highclere Castle.  However, it's not until next July so that's really not so bad, is it?  I won't have to pay anything until next year.  I've never been there and I know it's interesting.  The ticket is for the coach, the castle, the gardens and the Egyptian exhibition so there will be plenty to see and do.

And then, just to reinforce what a gadabout I am turning into . . .

. . . this landed on the door mat.

Woo hoo.  Just what I needed.  As well as lots of details about the cruise and the various excursions (more than we are doing with our One Traveller group), there's very useful info about life on board and an even more useful checklist of specific things we will need - such as water and wind proof coat and trousers, rugged boots, crampon type thingies . . .

Oh, well.  That's one of the things savings are for, isn't it?

I skimmed through it yesterday and will devote some time today to going through it all in more detail and making a list or two.
Lists are all part of the fun, aren't they.

Another nice thing I did yesterday was try out two new recipes, both of which are going to be keepers.  Very satisfying!

On to today and there's that ironing, some reading and list making and, more than likely, some dozing after my Sunday roast.  Then, come the evening, there's the Strictly Results show.  I have to admit, I have a really soft spot for dear Angela Rippon - she may not have the ooomph of some of the younger celebrities but, my goodness, she can dance.  Supple, controlled, graceful and quite obviously having the time of her life.  I don't think she will lift the glitterball (although I would love her to) but I hope she will stay in for several weeks to come because I so enjoy watching her dance.
Do you watch Strictly?  Who do you think will go all the way and who would you like to win?

Time to go and get things started in the kitchen.  I'm far more likely to stick to my healthy meals if everything is prepped and ready.  Then it's bath, get dressed and do that ironing, I think.  
How do you start your days?

Have a Super Sunday, everyone.  xx


  1. How exciting planning your cruise excursions and looking through all the details. I am sure you will love to cruise. We have been lucky and been on quite a few over the years. We look our eldest granddaughter on her first cruise when she was eleven, at present she is on a Marella cruise with her boyfriend and today there are stopping at Crete. We have her little dog staying.
    I only started watching Strictly a couple of years ago, for her age Angela is amazing but I don't think she will win. Difficult to predict a winner, Layton and Bobby will go far I think. I used to watch Emmerdale so have a soft spot for Adam Thomas but not sure how he will stay in the programme.
    It's pretty brrrr here this morning, think I'm going to have to change my thin summer duvet soon.
    Happy Sunday Joy.

    1. All that cruising sounds really lovely, Heather. This is the first I have been on so it's all new.
      I like Adam too - he was fantastic yesterday. He's not so well though, which is a shame. I have mixed feelings about Layton - he comes close to being a pro dancer. Bobby is very engaging, isn't he - and I do like Diane.

  2. My father used to tell me tales of scumping for apples at Highclere House! As for the cruise, I have been on a couple of Norwegian cruises (one summer and one winter) and I am sure you will find the views stunning and the people friendly. Nicky

    1. Oooh - scrumping apples - naughty!!! :-)
      I'm so looking forward to it, thanks, Nicky. xx

  3. It all becomes so much more real once you start making lists and thinking about your wardrobe. x x

    1. Yes, it does. I feel that little bubble of excitement whenever I think of it. Goodness know how hyper I will be by December! :-) xx

  4. It was noticeably cooler here last night - I kept my arms under the duvet instead of over it like they usually are! Oh that cruise, with the chance of seeing the Northern Lights, sounds absolutely wonderful Joy, how exciting the planning and looking forward to it must be. xx

    1. One of my childhood memories is how cold it was in the October half term and bonfire night was always frosty - in my memory, anyway. Maybe it will be this year. xx

  5. Ice on the windscreen at 8am when I went to the car boot sale!
    I've not got into Strictly yet as there has been rugby world cup on ITV. I'll start watching properly when that's over

    1. Oh, my goodness, really? I don't think there was here but it can't have been far off.
      I hope the sale was good. xx

  6. Oh! That cruise sounds amazing. I am visiting Norway and Iceland next year. It sounds like fun to get all prepared for your journey.

    1. That sounds lovely too, Steph. I'm sure you will have a fantastic time. xx

  7. Wow, so many exciting trips coming up. Yep, that is why we are frugal so that we can spend on experiences.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, it is. I think we can think ourselves really fortunate to be in the position. It's really enjoying getting out and about now. xx
