Monday 11 September 2023

Monday, 11-08-23

Good morning, everyone, and welcome.  It's a dull old start to the day around here but BBC assures us that the sun will be out soon.  It also thinks the temperatures will be a good five or six degrees lower than yesterday which is quite a relief.
I gather some parts of the UK had some severe storms yesterday but not here.  A shame, I love a good storm and the garden could really do with a good soaking.  When it does come (the rain, I mean), what's the betting that within a couple of days I will be muttering about 'it would be nice to see some sunshine'.  😉

Such a lovely lot of comments yesterday - thank you so much, everyone.  It's given the blanket a sort of positivity vibe which I am sure will continue to warm my heart when I use it.  You're all so lovely.  x

There are loads of pumpkin patterns (I nearly typed 'recipes' there) on YouTube and elsewhere so I picked one at random and gave it a go.

It was an easy enough pattern but either I need to work on my tension or use thicker yarn or a smaller hook because it's very loose and you can clearly see the wadding which is not great.
(or use cotton yarn but I'd have to buy that and I want to use up my stash!)

It's OK for a first attempt though and I will use it as an Autumny decoration.  Maybe I could find patterns for some Autumn leaves too.

Anyway - as I said, there are loads of different patterns out there and I will try another later on today.

Also, I've never really tried any amigurumi before but they'd be great for using up stash and giving away or donating - and I hate to have idle hands when I am sitting down.  I take after Mum in that way, I think.

Do any of you make amigurumi?
(link just for basic information about this)

I stayed pretty still most of the day, keeping as cool as possible as I think most of us did, so there's not much else to say about the day really.

Today, I had planned a visit to Lathcoats as their own apples are now in the shop and I have several items on my next shopping list that I could get there.
However, I had a text from Tracy next door- no longer a 'new neighbour' but I haven't really got to know her much yet as she is such a busy lady and has three children.  Now they are back at school, she's invited me round for coffee so I am looking forward to that very much.
Then I will be whizzing off to small group circuits with Lindsey.  The new block has started and I am so looking forward to getting back to work.  I will be very careful though - the back is loads better but there's the occasional little ache to remind me.

Once home, that's it as far as going out is concerned so I guess I will do the usual tasks and then chill with YouTube and crochet hook and see what I think about the next pumpkin pattern.  And them I MUST think about Bertie's little jacket or I won't have enough time to get it made.

Well, I've just looked at the time and eeek.  Must get the day started.  Have a great Monday, everyone, and I hope you can stay cool and comfortable.  xx


  1. Morning Joy. I have never tried amigurumi but I do have a lot of yarn. It would be a great way to have a go at something new without spending any money :-)
    Enjoy coffee with you lovely neighbour and enjoy the rest of the day x

    1. I'm definitely having a go. It might irritate the socks off me as parts of it look very fiddly but you don't know until you've tried. Good luck with it; xx

  2. Good morning! We did have the storms in the middle of the night ( the night before last) which woke me. It didn’t seem to clear the air though as yesterday was just as hot! I can crochet and I have heard of Amigurumi but I haven’t tried it. So one for the list! Have a lovely day! 😁

    1. It's definitely fresher this morning although it could warm up more this afternoon. I managed circuits with baking too much. :-) x x

  3. I like the pumpkin:-)
    We had lots of gentle rain yesterday, which was lovely.

    1. Thank you.
      Gentle rain sounds absolutely delightful. xx

  4. I had never even heard of amigurumi until today, but yours is lovely and as you say a brilliant way to use up a stash of half balls of wool.

    We had a couple of rumbles of thunder yesterday and a few heavy showers but nothing as dramatic as i would have liked. But isn't the cool of this morning lovely.

    1. I've only heard of it as a 'thing' very recently. Before then it was 'stuffed, knitted/crocheted things' although amigurumi seems to require a 'cute' element.

  5. It's a damp day here, but still incredibly warm. I'm hoping another thunder storm might clear the air.
    Cute pumpkin! Xx

    1. It's still warm here but far less humid that yesterday. Still a good excuse to take life easy, mind you. :-)
