Saturday 16 September 2023

Saturday, 16-09-23

Good morning, everyone.  I was wide awake at daft o'clock so I came down and am enjoying the first coffee of the day while doing my social media stuff.  It's far too early to look out to see what it's like but it feels comfortably cool at the moment and the forecast is amazingly good.  Bring it on!

My biggie for yesterday is that I weighed at SW group and I'm back to target again.  I'm so happy with that and feel a huge sense of achievement.  Now to continue the journey and enjoy scrummy and healthy food for the rest of my life.

When I got home, the cleaners were already there, beavering away, bless them.  I disappeared upstairs with my 'Slim for Life' book and re-familiarised myself with all the advice and guidance it contains.

The yarn arrived so I have started Bertie's little jacket.  It's knitting up very nicely and, being a small size, very quickly too.  The amount was a bit of guesswork as it's an older pattern that doesn't give yarn lengths, just weight, but it seems to be fine so far, thankfully.  I like to do the back and a sleeve first, by which time I will know if there's enough or not.

Today starts early, which is probably why I woke way too early, with a trip to the GP surgery for my flu jab.  I've also just had a text about the shingles jab so I can make that appointment and I will ask about the Covid one while I'm there, although they might not know all that much.

As I'm in town, once that's done I will take a mini detour to the Clock Tower precinct and do my big shop as, believe it or not, it is now the second half of September.  I don't need loads but I do need some stuff so I'll go to M&S and then across to Aldi.

The last biggie is that Strictly returns this evening.   Once Strictly lands, it can't be all that long until Christmas so maybe I need to start looking for some Christmas crochet stuff.  I know I won't be at home over the actual days but I'm still decorating a bit, just maybe not quite as much as usual.

In between times, as it is forecast to be quite warm, I might stay in the shade and be lazy - er, I mean have some me-time.  Thee may be a few repercussions from the flu jab; there usually are.  Best not to push it too hard today.

Do you have any special plans for this weekend?


  1. I'm off to a craft market at Grange Barn in Coggeshall a bit later so that will be interesting, not been there before. Then of course there is Strictly tonight!
    Suze x

    1. Lovely. I love Coggeshall, there's some beautiful old buildings there. Have a great time. xx

  2. You certainly were an early bird this morning! It's hard to realise we're half-way through September already. x x x

    1. Way too early really. Now at midday, I'm aching from the flu jab and ready for a sleep. As I can, I'm not fighting it. :-)
      Half way through is daft, isn't it? xx

  3. Ooh yes, Strictly, can't be missed in our household, despite us grumbling about some of the stuff we don't like about it!
    Loads going on for harvest festival over the road at church so I'll be over there with church warden duties most of the weekend.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Have a wonderful Harvest Festival. I've now started singing 'Come, ye thankful people, come'.
      I think there's an awful lot of people looking forward to Strictly. It's just an important part of Autumn/winter for so many people. xx

  4. Good to get the jab out of the way, so take it easy today. I'm hoping we can get another Covid shot soon as it has been nearly a year since my last one. Excellent news on your weigh in!

    1. I wanted to book my shingles jab and ask about the Covid one but they were so busy, I will pop in another time.
      Yes, I'm glad to get it done.
      And thank you - I'm still smiling. :-)
