Friday 29 September 2023

Friday, 29-09-23

 Good morning, everyone.  It's Friday or, as some would have it, Fri-yay!  I still like that Friday feeling as the day comes to an end and, just like the holiday feeling, I think I always will.  After all, any excuse to feel cheerful!

At last we have had rain.  I've just been out to the shed to get supplies in and the ground is very wet so it's been a damp overnight.  We're not predicted to get any today so that should be nice.

I was so pleased to get four loads of washing done yesterday.  The last load is drying inside as it was too late to dry properly outside, but I was very pleased to get it all done.  It;'s all ironed too, apart from that last load; happiness is definitely piles of clean clothes ready to put away.

The online SET class was good.  It's the first one I've done since my back went on me, first of all because of the back and then because things just didn't work out, but I was glad to get back to it yesterday.  Then Chris came over and we had our usual laugh about life over a coffee.  

Today, I have been busy in the kitchen and there's a savoury mince simmering away in the slow cooker.  I want to make a lasagne this evening but there's no cooked mince in the freezer.  The house is going to smell warm and delicious all day now.  Lovely.

It's Slimming World group first thing so I'll be walking round to that when the time comes.  There's nothing else in the diary and the house is cleaner-friendly but I do have some paperwork to be getting on with, seeing as it's nearly the end of the month.  It will be good to get that done before the Center Parcs break next week.

And that is that for today . . . it should be a very pleasant day, ending up with a sense of some good jobs done.  I hope so anyway.
Happy Friday to you all - have a really good one!  xx


  1. The Friday feeling never goes away, much as the Monday morning one. Strange, really, as our days are all our own to do with as we please. x x

    1. I'm always glad I have circuits to go to Monday mornings - maybe that's why! :-) xx

  2. So far I'm not getting that Fri-yay feeling or the Sunday night dread for Monday. Every morning I had to think 'What day is it?' LOL! Long may that continue!!! Glad your back is up to doing classes again :-) xxx

    1. LOL - hat's really good.
      Thanks, Ali - me too. xx

  3. I always think of that Crunchie advert when anyone says 'that Friday feeling' ... the power of advertising eh!! :-)

    1. Gets everywhere, doesn't it? I do love Crunchies. xx

  4. I love it when I get laundry done. Getting four loads done is very satisfying work.

  5. I love the smell of line dried laundry. We made the most of today's glorious sunshine to get a load done and dried. There won't be many more chances to do that once the damp weather arrives.

    1. It will be those blowy days that work best, won't it? They're pretty good. xx

  6. Accomplishing home chores is very satisfying and that's what I'm working on today for my Friday! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. It's good to start the weekend with a clean and organised house, I think. I hope you got it all done. xx

  7. I love the feeling a Friday brings even though we are both retired.

    God bless.

    1. Such a satisfying and restful feeling, isn't it? xx
