Sunday 8 May 2022


 Morning, everyone. How's things this May Sunday morning?  The sun is struggling to break through here but fingers are crossed and the forecast is promising.

Here's the latest cuteness photo.  I can't wait to see him again.

Yesterday turned out to be a weary day.  They are increasingly few and far between now, which is good, so I just went with the flow, rested (and slept) quite a lot and managed to get bits and bobs done between snores, very thankful that I could.

Today, I'm off to Castle Hedingham (I've been spelling it wrong, bad me) to see the bluebells.  I have no idea how crowded or otherwise it will be but fingers crossed.  I've negotiated my route through Braintree (I know this end and the other side is really simple) although coming back will have to take its chances.  It's always easier coming home anyway, isn't it?

I'll take a picnic with me and I hope it will pass a very pleasant two or three hours.

Once home again, I will gather a few things together and then pop round to Beth's for tea.  It's Alex's birthday today - happy birthday, Al - so it should be a pleasant family time.

And that's today.  Two very nice things.  How about you - what are your nice things today?  Have a great day and stay safe and well.  xx


  1. Happy birthday to Alex, and hope you have a lovely time celebrating with him and Beth later this afternoon. The bluebell walk should be lovely. I hope you've taken your camera with you and will share the photos tomorrow.

    I've been pottering in the garage and garden this morning. It's lovely and sunny, and just really pleasant to be outdoors. My knee has had enough though, so am just about to settle for an afternoon of reading and napping! xx

    1. Thanks, Eileen - I remembered the camera this time. :-)

  2. The bluebells sound lovely and I hope you enjoy them immensely, Joy.

    1. They were pretty much over but I did have a lovely day, thanks. xx

  3. Just a lazy day for us too…a bit of a walk around the neighbourhood to admire the gardens after all the rain we have had at the beginning of this week.Today it is blue skies,sun and a pleasant breeze. A picnic would have been ideal too if I had thought of that😊 Look forward to photos of the visit to the castle and the bluebells. Have a great day. Amanda x

    1. It was a lovely sunny day and today looks like being similar. xx

  4. It's been gloriously warm and sunny so a proper gardening day. Hope you managed a gentle day today and didn't wear yourself out. I need a walk out to see the bluebells when Tony feels a bit better.

    1. It was a really pleasant day, thanks. I shall be going back there. xx

  5. Such a cutie! Love bluebells. Hope you had a lovely time and managed to take some photos!

    1. I did and yes, I did, thanks. See Monday's blog. :-)
