Saturday 14 May 2022


 Hello, everyone.  Happy Saturday to you all.  I can't believe how quickly the weeks are passing at the moment.

Yesterday was good.  
You could have knocked me down with a feather when the scales showed a loss at SW - a great relief but not something to take for granted, I think.  It was a good time with visitors and new members galore and lots of laughs.

Once home, I sorted stuff out at home, did some emailing to arrange a few bits and bobs and generally pottered.  I didn't go out in the end.

The evening was really lovely.  Dave and Anna are in the throes of setting up their now home and they filled me in on all sorts of interesting details.  They are obviously very happy with it all.  On Thursday they took a van up to Dad's and collected all the stuff they had laid claim to and now it's safely in their new home which fills me with joy.  I know Mum and Dad would be thrilled to know that some of their beloved furniture is still being put to good family use.

I took a few garden photos.

The strawberries are looking promising.

The ooh la la clematis has started flowering.

The flamenco apple ballerina tree is loaded - I will need to do some thinning after the June drop.

And even the new columnar braeburn looks promising.

The little plum and pear did not flower this year which is what I expected.  They should produce next year.

No photo of the fig - after it got frosted, all the little leaves shrivelled up and dropped off but, thankfully, it is now sending out more leaves.  My friend Chris has a much more mature one and the same thing happened to hers.

Today is a rest and recover day (Dave and Anna brought wine!) and I will start setting things out for my holiday packing in the spare room.  I also want to plan my meals for the week and generally get things organised.
What are you planning to do today?  xx


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss, that's really good news. Also that D & A have collected their furniture and are settling into their new home ... an exciting time for them.

    I need to sort out the patio today and do my best to clean it up after yesterday's planting session ... it's very muddy in places!

    1. It's surprising how soil gets everywhere, isn't it.
      Thanks, I was really happy about the whole day - lots of good news.

  2. I hope you enjoyed your rest day and feel rejuvinated and ready to take on the world!
