Tuesday 13 July 2021


 Good morning, everyone.  No rain this morning and, in fact, it did clear up by mid morning yesterday and we even had a bit of sunshine which was nice.  It's supposed to be getting more summery now - we can hope, anyway.

Yesterday there were two thing.

The first was tuition and it went very well.  My two remaining students are absolute delights, both of them, so willing to learn and work.  I couldn't wish for more.  Basically, what I do is a mixture of revision and next steps, always ensuring full understanding and seeing the wider picture.  They seem to like this.

The other was the zoom meeting I arranged with Malcolm, the minister, who is officiating at next week's funeral.  We sorted out the order, decided on music and generally got everything organised.  Simple and direct.
I let John know about the arrangements and he suggested that for the refreshments afterwards we scoot down to M&S on Monday and get some of their buffet food which is a great idea.  That way I won't have to rush into the kitchen and spend ages sorting food, either before or after.  There's only seven of us, including Malcolm, so we won't need loads either.

Today there are two things as well although yesterday's were towards the end of the day and today they are both at the beginning of the day.

The Morrison's order comes between eight and nine so it will be very interesting to see how it goes.  I hope it is satisfactory as it's such a useful thing to use and I like Morrison's as a store.

And then it's a solution to an every increasing problem.  I haven't been to the allotment for ages, partly because I've been at Dad's and latterly because of the lower leg problem and a very uneven surface.  That has created a worry situation as the grass will keep on growing - very thoughtless of it, I reckon.  I had a little chat with Jeff and I'm meeting him down there between nine and nine thirty, mower and strimmer in hand - well, in boot - and he's going to tackle to mowing while I do some very careful weeding and picking.  I'm hoping for plenty of broad beans and maybe a potato or two.
It will be a huge relief to get that done, even at the highest setting.

Then the rest of the day is mine.  I will do a bit of housework, as always, some reading, some legs up resting and generally chill.  Perhaps the sun will come out and I can relax in the garden which is looking so lush and green it's a shame I can't enjoy it at closer quarters.
Have a lovely day, whatever your plans.  Take care, stay safe and be happy.  xx


  1. Good to hear that you have managed to complete the funeral arrangements. M&S food afterwards sounds like a very good idea.

    Have you been able to get a doctor appointment for your legs yet or has life gotten in the way...as it so frequently does?

    1. AT the moment, no, although I haven't ruled it out. See how things go, I think. xx

  2. I hope you were pleased with your Morrison delivery.

    Glad that you have been able to complete the funeral arrangements and organise the food side of things. M&S buffet food is a great idea and it will save you scrabbling about to get it all done.

    I'm sure you'll be relieved when Jeff sorts out the overgrown grass for you. Hope you were able to pick lots of broad beans and potatoes while you were there.

    1. Yes, I was, thanks. I will definitely use it again.
      There were loads of broad beans but I didn't try the potatoes - I'm not sure about using the fork yet.
