Friday 2 July 2021


 Good morning, everyone.  Yesterday was a lovely, sunny day although none too warm come the evening.  My owl fleece was pressed into action and, inevitably, I fell asleep.  This time, however, it didn't stop me sleeping overnight so much, thankfully.

What did I do yesterday - well, I'm not sure.  I finished the ironing, did some cleaning and tidying and that was about it.  I have an appointment with the funeral directors this afternoon which I'm hoping will go OK.  I know what we want, it's just a case of saying so and seeing which 'plan' it fits in to.  No fuss, no bother and minimal expense which John and I both agree would be what Dad would want as he said so on several different occasions.

Today starts with my first Slimming World meeting for several weeks, since they went back to face to face meetings, in fact.  I'm not looking forward to the weigh in but it will be nice to see everyone again.

Then I pack the car and drive over to Dad's.

Then I have the meeting as above.

I can do some sorting and tidying before Beth comes over.  She's staying the night and helping me bag up Dad's clothes and go through the photographs.  Both are likely to be emotional but have to be done and I'm so glad I won't be doing it on my own.  That's tomorrow's task as she won't get to me until quite late.

There's not a lot to do this morning - I have a Little List of things to take and just have to make sure the house is tidy enough for the cleaners to work their magic.  The kitchen is fine, the living room isn't - yet.

Better get going.  Have a good day, everyone, and continue to stay safe and well.  xx


  1. Hope your day goes as well as can be expected, Joy - on both the SW and funeral director fronts. An emotional day for you, and tomorrow too - sorting through our loved ones' effects is never easy. Good that Beth will be with you. Hugs, Joy xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. I'm not looking forward to any of it but it has to be done and that's all there is to it. xx

  2. Hope your plans go well. You will find lots of happy memories among your Dads things I'm sure

    1. Yes, I'm sure we will. Thanks, Sue. xx

  3. Hope it all runs smoothly for you It is a difficult task

    1. It was harder than I expected, not because of any decisions but the whole emotional aspect of it.

  4. An emotional day for you so I'm glad you will have Beth with you for part of the time. Take care xx

  5. Hope your day goes well Joy. Thinking of you. xx

    1. Thanks. I can't say it was a 'good' day, but it went well.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Brenda. Much appreciated. xx

  7. Thinking of you and not a nice task but has to be done.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. It does. So many things that need to be done and it's a it like wading through treacle right now. :-)

  8. Prayers for you and Beth as you go about difficult tasks today and this weekend.

  9. Sorry, I put my comment for today in yesterday's post Joy.
    Thinking of you and Beth today.

    1. No, problem, I'll go back and look. Thanks. xx

  10. I hope today wasn't too sad for you Joy.

    1. It was rather but only to be expected, I think. It would be worse not to feel sad.

  11. Hope all goes well for you this afternoon and the rest of the weekend.

  12. I remember the funeral director's visit when my dad died - so many questions to answer when your mind is all over the place - did we prefer this or that, silk or cotton linings, quilted or plain etc, etc it all felt rather overwhelming and afterwards no-one could remember what we had decided upon! I am sure you will have done much better Joy. xx

    1. I think it helped to know exactly what we wanted. xx

  13. I am glad that Beth will be with you during this task. I will be keeping you in my thoughts.

    God bless.

    1. I'm very glad too. It's a comfort. xx
