Thursday 15 July 2021

Thursday and a bit more allotment

 Good morning.  It really is a good morning too with the sun shining brightly and the birds singing their little socks off.  Things did clear up yesterday and it warmed up considerably but it's nice to start the day with sunshine.  I've already got one chair out!

Yesterday was comparatively busy.  Not busy compared with most folks but compared with recently for me, a bit busier.

After an idle start to the day, I drove over to Lindsey's for personal training/massage.  After a chat about what to do, expectations, 'stop if it starts hurting' kind of thing, I asked if I could have a try on the cross trainer, the reason being I thought the movements were the kind that don't hurt whereas the static cycle does (it did at home, anyway).  I just did five minutes on the lowest setting not fast, concentrating on calves and ankles and how they were feeling and it was great.  I think getting them moving is such a safe way really worked and they kept feeling much better for the rest of the day.
It was a good session.

Then, after lunch, I pottered down to the allotment and tackled the bigger patch of weeds, accidentally weeding a random potato plant that must have come from one last year's potatoes that we just missed.  So I came home with four new potatoes, two of which I had for dinner and they were lovely!
I also came home with another load of broadies, some of which went next door to Jenni who has been great in watering my pots while I was at Dad's.

See - much better.  Not perfect, it needs another hoeing/raking thing, but so much better.  Civilised again.  That's where I'm going to plant the dwarf French beans bit I will leave that until after I'm home from the funeral next week because of watering in.  The support canes have rather come undone so I'll mend that today probably.
Here's the baby pears that didn't show in the photo I took on Tuesday.  Not as many as last year but plenty, all the same.
Tomatoes.  I so love tomatoes and can never have enough!

(I also had the great excitement of noticing that one of my tomatoes at home is showing a little orange tint.  Not enough to show on a photo but still - definitely starting to ripen.
And some of the blueberries are turning blue.  Lovely!)

And my first flower on the runner beans.  They are self pollinating so should get going nice and soon.  Another excitement.

(I do get excited over daft little things, don't I?)

Apart from the repeated pleasure of shelling broad beans in the afternoon sun, the rest of the day passed as usual.  I slept extremely well.

Today, Chris is coming round for coffee and chat this morning and after that I will trundle in the direction of the allotment.  

On the list today is:
picking broad beans
mending the support canes
pulling some rhubarb, maybe
checking the strawberries and directing the runners towards the empty raised bed

That's enough to keep me out of trouble, isn't it?  I'll get there!
Have a super day and enjoy the sunshine.  xx


  1. Oh I do love an allotment post. I've noticed a hint of a colour change on my tomatoes too. I'm going to remove some side shoots and grow them on in the porch in the hope of getting a late crop

    1. Exciting! I'm going to throw a few ripe tomatoes on the spoil - they send of 'ripening vibes' like bananas do.
      An interesting idea about the side shoots. I just let them rot down on the ground.

    2. I usually root them in a glass of water then stick them out in the garden wherever there's a spot. This time I am going to pot them up and look after them a bit better. Hopefully I will still be picking tomatoes in October. Fingers crossed.

    3. That would be great! Good luck. xx

  2. It's all looking good Joy. Is it making you feel better as you clear the weeds and knock it back to how you want it?

    Hope you have a lovely natter with Chris and can clear your to-do list. xx

    1. It is, definitely, Eileen. It was troubling me a lot over the past month and it feels good to be back on top[ of it again.

  3. You are amazing with all you do.

    1. Aw, Brenda, I truly don't feel in the least bit amazing but how kind of you. xx

  4. Allotments are so hard to keep weeded at the best of times, all that fertile soil is perfect for our little weedy enemies, so you are doing so well to claim back the land for yourself again. It's nice to see all your crops coming along so well, it's proving a funny year for growing with all this changeable weather.

    1. I know it sounds immature, but I was giving the weeds a right ticking off as I dug them up and dumped them in the bucket. Six hours of work this week and it's almost back to how I would like it to be. It's a great feeling.
      Everything seems quite late, doesn't it? Such strange weather patterns.

  5. For all my lament in yesterday's comments about some of my flowers not flowering, I will say that my weeds are absolutely thriving! Isn't that always the way? :)

    1. Isn't it just. Weeds are nature's natural survivors! I have no doubt I will blink and they will all have grown back again!

  6. I'm envious of your home grown potatoes. I might try growing some in bags next year. X

    1. They taste so good. In bags is a great way to go when there's limited soil space, I think.
