Saturday 10 July 2021


 Good morning.  It's a dull old start to the day and rain is forecast so I'm jolly glad I got the washing/drying done earlier in the week.  There's precious little that needs doing today, certainly nothing outside.

Yesterday was pleasant.  Everyone at SW is looking forward to when we can open the social side of things again - tea/coffee, the raffle, the slimmer of the week basket . . . all those little things that had to stop.

Then I went to Morrisons (not quite a shuffle now but my legs were killing me by the time I got home) and I am now well set for several days.  I always have a good supply if cans and frozen stock but it's so nice to have enough fresh stuff in as well, don't you think?

Once home and tidied away, I sat down on my recliner which makes putting my feet up so very easy and promptly fell asleep.  Dear me, this is getting to be a right habit!

Lindsey's massage session was great - I am very convinced this is helping no end.  This morning I was walking more or less normally in terms of the heel to toe action rather than stomping with the foot flat down.  It's still slow, I can't push it much, I'm still resting up most of the day, but it's a good sign.

Today, I am doing very little.  Nothing new there then!  I'm glad I'm not going to Dad's.  With signs of improvement, the last thing I want is to be going up and down stepladders, etc, doing more damage.
So that's about it really.  Maybe you will have nicer weather than is predicted here - I do hope so.  Stay safe and well.  xx


  1. Glad your injury seems to be healing I am hoping my sinus troubles are also improving.

    1. I hope so too, Diane. Sinus problems are really horrible. xx

  2. Morning Joy, not very nice here, it's raining quite hard at the mo but is forecast to be showery for the weekend, rather than continual rain. We may even get some sunshine this evening, that'll be nice. Might get to sit out in the caravan garden.

    I'm glad the massage is making your legs a bit better, it's quite concerning how long it's been going on now, I think I'd be wanting to go to the GP. Anyway, your decision! I wouldn't worry about falling asleep in the chair - I'm of the opinion that our bodies let us know what they need, so if you fall asleep, you need it!

    Enjoy your weekend off. xx

    1. I take your point but it is so difficult to get an appointment unless it is over the phone and I simply cannot do them. It makes one feel so useless . . . I it truly gets me down. xx

  3. I'm glad the massage is helping you heal. My recent ankle injury has brought sharply into focus that the inability to walk far without pain/discomfort is so life limiting. I think you should insist on a face to face GP appt and explain why a telephone appt doesn't work for you xxx

    1. But how, Ali, if the only way to make an appointment is by phone. The web site isn't clear so I'm going to drive over on Monday morning and see what it says on the surgery door. If I can get in to the receptionist, I can talk to her - they're very helpful at that surgery, not dragons at all. xx

    2. Maybe sending an email to the surgery to explain why a telephone consultation won't be any good for you and ask what you need to do to get a face to face appointment. Alternatively, do you have an NHS walk in centre near you, or try the 111 online service where you can type in your symptoms and seek help that way. Hope you can get some sorted. xx

    3. I'm so ignorant about all these things. I hardly every need to see my GP - I guess I'm lucky. Thanks, Eileen. xx

    4. Perhaps Beth could make the call for you if you aren't able to see the receptionist?

    5. I did think of that Mary but to have any chance of getting through you have to phone bang on eight o'clock and keep on ringing until you get through. I can't inflict that on anyone else.
      At least, that is how it used to be. I'll pop down tomorrow morning and see, if I think it necessary. If I don't I'll email and see what luck I get regarding a pathway for me. Thanks everyone. xx

  4. I think the very fact that you are falling asleep is an indicator that your body needs some extra rest. I think you need to just go with the flow and heel those poorly legs. Before you know it you will be jogging to the shops... :-) I'd like to see that :-)

    1. lol - that will be a great thrill after all this. :-)

  5. Glad you are taking it easy this weekend. Rest is the best thing for you after the worry and work of these past weeks.

    1. Well, I'm getting plenty of that, thankfully. :-)

  6. I'm glad you are resting after the busy weeks. Hope you get something sorted with a doctor soon

  7. Time is the best healer - both physically and mentally - so take it one day at a time.
