Sunday 25 July 2021


 Good morning, everyone.  It's a dull old start to the day although it doesn't look as if we had any rain overnight and we didn't really have loads yesterday, just enough to make me decide there was no need to go to the allotment.   Today there are storms forecast, especially later on in the afternoon and I have to say it does feel more humid than yesterday already.

What did I do yesterday?  Well, the short answer is 'not a lot'.  I got two loads of washing done but the second load is still in the machine so that's on the list for today.  I did some cooking and some clearing up afterwards - does anyone else seem to generate an awful lot of mess while cooking? - and that was about it.  I didn't feel particularly tired, just very lazy!

I've just stepped out into the back garden to take a good close look at the tomatoes, checking for suspicious blotches on leaves or stems (definitely a risk in the warm, humid, damp weather) and noticed that although the sungolds have won the race to first picked, several other plants are also now changing colour.  Maybe a fortnight?   Yes, later than usual, but I can wait.  They'll be so good when they start.

Also, the cucumbers are producing mightily again after a bit of a lull.  I can see salads will be on the menu a lot this coming week.  Must look up pickled cucumbers!

And my other thought as I looked around was that the bulbs in one of the planters now being over and done, I think I will top it up a bit and sow some dwarf French beans in that as well as down the allotment.  May as well use the space.  It's a manky old pot, probably on its last legs, but even so, it's there to be used.

On to today.

Washing and ironing, of course.  Sowing some seeds.  I might take a wander down to the allotment to check and pick sweet peas - they are coming thick and fast now and if you don't pick them, they stop flowering.  And I could also dig up some potatoes, just a few, while the ground is damper and softer.  Meal planning is on the cards and tuition planning as one of my students usually carries on over the holiday and I have two sessions with them this coming week (for very good and valid reasons).  We'll probably have a maths day and an English day.

The garden strawberries are throwing out runners in all directions.  Some I can divert to where I want them as I'm doing down the allotment, while some will just get clipped off.  Strawberries are such generous plants when it comes to reproduction.  I'd love a bigger area for all those free plants really.

I nearly forgot - yesterday I put in a Morrison's delivery order and it's coming at between ten and eleven so I will be well stocked with fruit again.  I was running a bit short.  Better make sure I am washed, dressed and respectable by then.

So that's today - another fairly slow, gentle, lazy day (in the nicest possible way) that won't spoil whatever the weather throws at us.  What has it been like in your parts?

Have a good one, whatever your plans  xx


  1. Have a good day, Joy, I love reading your posts. Here in Cheshire we have had no rain yet. The past few days have been cooler but still sunny. We are off to a national garden scheme open garden today... our first in 2 years! We are out of our rental now and in our new home. The garden had just 2 plants in it so we are busy planning a new garden.

    1. Have a lovely time exploring the garden. And what a opportunity, to develop a garden pretty much from scratch. That will be fun.

  2. Hot and humid here, but I have a/c. Won't be a restful day here. Besides having exterior doors replaced this coming week, painters will also be here so had to pack away all breakables (they will move the furniture) from living room, dining room, foyer and hallways. A lot of breakables. The large buffet and side server held three sets of china, a large number of wine glasses and and many glass vases of varying sizes. Did that packing yesterday, but still much to do. All objects off the wall, etc. etc.. Must admit, I don't think I am going to put all these things back once the painting is done. Time to give things away. V. tired of dusting! And did I mention I'm also gran-dogsitting this week--an very exuberant 8 month old Boxer? He will be going to doggy-daycare when the painters are here or disaster will ensue. :) Hope you have had a good day.

    1. You do sounds extremely busy and I agree with you, it's a great opportunity to declutter
      It has been a good day, thanks, finishing off with some very heavy rain that should have done the allotment the world of good.
