Thursday 8 July 2021


 Good morning, everyone.  We have a bright start to the day here with sunshine, no less.   The sun came out yesterday too which was very cheering and I managed to get two loads of washing out on the line, dried and even ironed plus towels which always go in the tumble dryer for softness.

While sorting out Dad's airing cupboard, I can across a stack of tea towels that had never been used.  They were 'novelty' ones, mostly related to guiding (Mum was a keen Guider) with a few others including a Chatsworth one I have given her ages ago,.  Well, I wasn't going to throw them out so they have now been washed, ironed and in my tea towel drawer.  I won't need to buy any more tea towels for a long time to come, perhaps never now.

Jeff came round and did the usual, bless him.  He does a great job of keeping those weeds at bay.

My time with Lindsey was spent in massage and talk.  Both were very helpful; she's the sort of person you can say things to and know that they will be received thoughtfully and responded to wisely.  She advised me that I ought to consider seeing my GP about my ankles and calves, darn it.  I looked up online and it looks as if they are back to being able to make appointments face to face so I must go down early tomorrow (they open at eight) or Monday and see if I can get an appointment.  They are rarer than hen's teeth so I might have to see the duty doctor and it might take more than one visit to get an appointment but what can you do when you can't use the phone?  

The rest of the day was lazy.  I slept a lot (I'm sleeping so much!) watched iPlayer stuff, cooked and enjoyed meals and generally kept my feet up.

I've heard back from the funeral directors.  They have given me a date so I will respond to them this morning.

Today, there is nothing in the diary, not a sausage!  I have one load of clothes in the machine as I type and they can go out in the sunshine soon so will be dry and ready for ironing before the day is out.  There's a bit of tidying up to do so I will work on that but I need to rest my legs so that's what I will do.

Hoping you get lovely weather and have a happy day, whatever is on the list for you.  xx


  1. Hopefully the receptionist will be aware of your hearing difficulties and that you can't do tele consultations,and as you'll let her know that you've been advised by Lindsey to consult your GP, one would hope they'd offer you an appointment straight away without repeated visits. So, good luck!

    1. Let's hope so as otherwise it all gets very difficult.

  2. Hope you are having a good rest day before all the next things that need sorting to do with the funeral.
    And good luck with doctors appointment.

    1. It will have to be Monday as I have Slimming World this morning. So fingers crossed for Monday morning. xx

  3. Wishing you luck on getting an in-person appointment with the doctor for your legs. Definitely a good idea.

    1. I think it has to be as they are now better yet. It's very frustrating.

  4. Sleeping a lot is to be expected and is most likely a reaction to the shock and stress so try to go with the flow and listen to what your body needs.

    Good luck getting a doctor's appointment. I'm having the same problem even though mine is a call back from the doctor! xx

    1. I'm very lucky I am retired so can do just that - go with the flow.

  5. Your body clearly needs the sleep Joy. Such a pity you didn't live closer as I would settle you on the sofa in my conservatory and let you snooze away the afternoon in the sunshine.

  6. Sorry to hear you are still having problems with your calves and ankles. Hope it clears up soon but, as others have said, "feet up and rest"!

    1. Thanks, Chris. It really is a nuisance and limits what I can do uite a lot. Still, it's better than it was. xx

  7. I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad passing away. Big hugs to you. It's nice that you're using the tea towels and not just getting rid of them. I imagine it must be difficult going through things.

    1. Yes, it's difficult, but has to be done. I'm so glad there is no rush.
