Friday 30 April 2021


 Good morning, everyone.  It's a lovely start to the day apart from yet another frost!  I suppose April HAS to end with a frost, seeing how it's been pretty much all month.  Maybe this is the very last one.  I hope so - the ground needs to warm up and my plants are itching to get outside!

Yesterday was OK.  Quite a lot of hazy sunshine which was pleasant.  I really enjoyed the gym and swim, the chat with Chris was great, as always, and the SW meeting was about exercise which SW rather tweely calls 'body magic'.  All good stuff.

Today starts with a walk.  I'm meeting Jackie in a local village for a walk around and, hopefully, a coffee.  When the cleaners come in the afternoon, I intend popping down to the allotment.  There's always weeding to be done and always watering at the moment.  It should be fun.

Have a great day and be safe and happy.  xx


  1. A friend of mine uses Hello Fresh three times a week and she loves it and says one meal does her for 2 days. She started during the first lockdown when she didn't want to go to any Supermarket as she needed to stay Covid free for her Daughter who was undergoing cancer surgery and chemo treatment for several months. Daughter had good news a few weeks back, so great relief all round.

    1. That's fantastic news, I'm very glad.

      I'm expecting the two day thing too over the weekend although, as I'm up to Dad's again on Monday, I guess we will both eat very well Monday and Tuesday.
      I'll have to plan the meals carefully and will freeze any meat/fish, if necessary. I'm expecting that apart from those, the rest is keep-able stuff.
      Should be fun working it all out and I must remember to take photos!

  2. Catching up.....your plants are looking good.
    Have a lovely weekend

    1. Hi, Sue. Thanks, I have hopes for a harvest! :-)
      Hoping all goes smoothly for you this coming week.

  3. I received a voucher for 60% off a first order of Hello Fresh so will be interested to hear what you think of them.

    1. I'll be reviewing them on my other blog, the frugal-ish on SW one. 60% is very good. xx

  4. According to the weather lady on after the lunchtime news, there has been a ground frost somewhere in the UK for every single night of April, almost unheard of. I hope you can safely get your plants out soon, but mid-May is generally the safest time to get things into their final positions ... fingers crossed.

    Have a good weekend. xx

    1. That sounds about right - the tops of the cars are frosty again this morning (Saturday) but maybe this is the last one. We can hope!
      Traditionally (my tradition, that is) I got things out during the half term break, in between writing those dreaded reports. I don't need to do it like that nowadays but it still feels 'right' somehow. It really does depend on the weather, doesn't it?
