Tuesday 19 June 2018


Good morning, everyone.  Yesterday turned out to be a lovely day and it looks as if today is also going to be very hot.  At the moment it is cloudy and breezy and it is close to sunrise time so colour is just emerging from the shadows.

As expected, yesterday was busy.  Once I got home, there was plenty to do and I was thankful that the house had been well cared for and was lovely and tidy (thanks to Beth and S) and the garden was in good nick!  Loads of strawberries to pick (delicious), the runners are coming on well (some flower stems emerging), some of the tomatoes are flowering and the blueberries, raspberries and tayberries are all looking good.

In the afternoon, I had a visit from my financial bod and now the Lasting Power of Attorney thingy is further on the way and I have shelled out an exorbitant amount!  It's worth it though, for peace of mind, and may save a lot of hassle later on.  After that, I set to and got up to date with my finances which have been neglected this month.  Everything is done automatically but I do like to keep on top of what's gone out and in and how much my balance is.  To my horror I was overdrawn for part of one day earlier this month but it was a matter of a few hours in the same day so maybe they will ignore it.  I HATE being overdrawn, even by pence (which this was).

It was also nice to get back to tuition.  We had some laughs and learning happened as well.  All very satisfying.

This morning I bit the bullet and stepped on the scales.  Oh, deary me!  Actually, I may have said something slightly stronger but won't reproduce it here.  Thank goodness I am back on the old wagon again although today is a bit problematic as I'm out to lunch followed by strawberry picking (must find a suitable container) at Lathcoats Farm.  I've looked up the menu and, while it all looks great value, it's hardly liver-friendly, so to speak!  Oh, well, I will do my best.

Before then, I have various household chores, a bit of planning and some shopping to do.  Having been away for ten days, there's precious little fresh stuff in the house so my list is mostly stuff like lettuce, tomatoes, etc.
And I have to upload and edit my photos.  I forgot to do them yesterday!

In the evening, Beth and Alex (who is now home from uni for the summer) are over for dinner which will be absolutely great.

So another busy day but it should be a very satisfying one.  Is your day a good-un too?

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