Sunday 3 June 2018


Good morning, everyone.  The sun is shining already and I was been sneezing my head off until I took my hay fever tablet.  It's suddenly crash landed over the last few days and I am very thankful for stuff to take that stops more or less all the symptoms.

Yesterday went well.  I started off by going to Wyvale to get a few needed garden things, such a twine and canes.  I've been looking for a clematis to go in the pot at the end of the garden beside the compost bin and found one that looks like 'Nelly Moser' (which my parents have) called 'Ooh la laa'.  It's as flamboyant as its name suggests with big bold pink flowers.  It's bushy, grows to about a metre and flowers from spring to late summer (says the info that came with it) and you prune it right back to about 1 foot in late winter to early spring (the same time as the raspberries, in fact, very useful).  I've planted it out but the heads are drooping at the moment so I'll take a photo when it's happier.
I'm really happy about it - the position is good (sunshine and shade) and I'm hoping it will be minimal trouble apart from being trained over the trellis behind it.

This is what the flower is like.  Very pretty.  Photo borrowed from Google Images.

I also noticed that they had some advanced, very healthy looking yellow courgettes so I'm afraid I fell for them too as I'm not happy about the progress of the ones I'm growing from seed.  We have to have courgettes at the allotment!

Once home, I set off for the allotment where I worked steadily until the sun came out and it got too hot.  I finished the potatoes, did a lot of weeding and have nearly finished the forking and clearing.  Sadly, it isn't nearly as interesting when you do it on your own as it is doing it with someone else but never mind.

Then it was home for a very, very late lunch, followed by more garden pottering; nice relaxing stuff that was not too strenuous.  After a day outside, I was sleepy come the evening and had an early night.

In other news, I dug out a skirt that I've never worn, looked at it and thought 'I'll never fit into that' - but I did!  So pleased.

Today I have a friend round for the day and Beth is over for lunch so I had better finish this and get going.  I want to get everything prepared so I don't need to spend too much time in the kitchen.  It should be a lovely day!


  1. Yellow courgettes...thanks for the prompt, Joy! I said back when we were planning what to grow this year that I didn't want any yellow ones this year - a vast surplus last year put me off, I think. But we do like them, and they seem to freeze better than green ones (because they're firmer and less watery, I guess), so we'll go out and get some today.

    Have a lovely day with your visitors.

  2. Also friends like to be given yellow courgettes as you don't really get them in the shops. We do like to share them out.
    Thanks, I'm sure it will be a lovely day. Same to you!

  3. You have been busy. I don't do well working in the sunshine -I think there may be vampire genes somewhere in my ancestry 😂 - so I need to sort out a routine where I either do the garden work early morning or later in the evening. Why aren't there more hours in the day?

  4. Know what you mean, Eileen - I've often wished that too.

  5. Oh it's such a good feeling when something that was too tight now fits. Well done

  6. Thanks, Eloise, it did feel lovely.
