Monday 6 October 2014


Back to school today.  It feels very odd indeed.  I'm not 100% but well enough.

We're supposed to get rain all day.  That's unfortunate as it is harvest festival and we all walk down to the church but if it rains we have it in school instead.

Ah well, what will be, will be!


  1. Hope you will be OK at school. It's probably still too soon for you to go back, you've had a horrible bout of flu, haven't you.
    Hope it doesn't rain!
    Take great care!

  2. It's not been nice but it wasn't flu, thank goodness. That hundred pound note would have been in danger most days last week! lol
    J x

  3. Oh right, it wasn't flu, that's good - so sorry, I thought you had said you felt it was. How did you manage yesterday? Bet you were tired when you got home! :o(
    Did the harvest festival go well?
    Take great care! S.xxxx

  4. It felt flu-ish for a few days but real flu is muh worse. I'm so glad it wasn't flu!!! :-)
    J x

  5. I am very glad to hear this, too. How do you feel this morning?
    Take great care!

  6. I just have a cough now, a bit of a chesty one but nothing too bad, thanks. :-)
    J x
