Tuesday 7 October 2014


Good morning.  I could have done with more sleep this morning but habits will out and I'm up and typing!

Yesterday evening I was out at the Jack Petchey Awards event in town.  Alex won an award.  We're extremely proud of him.  Please do look it up on Google if you want to know more.

Yesterday was harvest festival day at school.  Half the school walked down to church in the morning and the other half didn't in the afternoon.  The forecast was so bad and it had been raining over lunch so we took the decision to hold it in school.  Of course, the rain held off and we could have walked but there you go.  It was lovely anyway.

Today we have Investors in People in school.  Last time I was on the interviewee list.  This time I am not - phew.

Now I'm off to have my bath which will warm me up.  Have a good day!


  1. Many congratulations to Alex! I'll look up the award later today.
    Glad you are not being interviewed today - that would not have been good timing with you, I expect, still not at full strength, as it were.
    Hope the lovely warm bath will revive and have a good day! :o)

  2. Congratulations to Alex! You must be incredibly proud of him, and justly though!

    Jack Petchey, a somewhat early Alan Sugar, but much more so and a lot less hype! ;-)

  3. That's about it, Annabeth. A true entrepreneur and a very, very good man as well.
    J x

  4. Interesting, thanks, Annabeth, I hadn't heard of him but will have a read about him.
    Good for Alex - what a clever and lovely young man he is. :o)
    Hope your day has gone well, Joy.
