Sunday 1 December 2013

Some bedroom photos

Apologies for the quality.  It's not a big room and it is hard to get a good shot.


  1. It looks lovely Joy you must be very pleased.

  2. I'm very pleased, thanks. It will look nicer when the curtains are back up, the lights in and the rugs and bedside cabinets bought and in place but even now it looks great. I might make the beds, just to see how it all looks! :-)

  3. Wow, this looks GREAT! What an excellent use of space and I love the floor, too! Bet you're pleased with this, aren't you?
    Lovely job! :o) xxxx

  4. I am, Sonja, I'm really pleased. There's a few little bits to finish off but apart from that it's lovely.
    J x
