Monday, 3 March 2025


 Morning everyone.  Another cold start today with plenty of mist but it should clear into sunshine this morning.  I swear we have had more frost these last five days than we have the whole of the winter.  I rather like a frosty start as long as it clears quickly.

We had a lovely sunset yesterday and I just managed to catch it.  Not a brilliant photo and I was a bit late to the party but you get the idea, I am sure.

Yesterday was good.  I bustled around getting things ready and realised that what was bothering me was fitting the trip to B&Q between starting the lunch and picking Beth and Alex up so I didn't go to B&Q, I went to Amazon instead!  Coming today - sandpaper and a sanding block although I give you fair warning, I may very well end up getting a sander once I've got the feel of it.  A friend did Beth's garden furniture a few years ago and she said it took a while, even with a sander.  She also said they are not too expensive and she's right.  A basic one isn't too bad at all  and way, way less that paying someone to do it..

It was nice to have Beth and Alex round.  We had a good old chat about stuff.

It was day six of Bubbles and she hasn't.  She looks 'healthy', smells quite nice and has no mould.  She is just sleepy, I guess.
Day seven is the day there should be a bit of live action but who knows?  I have time and am learning patience, and the bottom line is that it's just flour and water and I can always have another go, if necessary.

I booked something - I realised that there's a live showing of the new Royal Ballet's performance of Romeo and Juliet with the MacMillan choreography, one of my absolute favourite ballets and music, in the Cramphorn Theatre in town  So I have booked.  I nearly didn't get a seat there were only a few left; the one I asked for I didn't get because it left one seat on its own and the one I have isn't going to be the best view but better than nothing - that'll teach me to keep a closer eye on local events, won't it?
It's in three weeks' time in the afternoon.

Today is the usual Monday schedule.  Circuits and downstairs housework.  Then some sanding to replace the dust I will have just removed from the table, assuming my order arrives in good time.  Maybe it will feel mild enough to sit outside, well wrapped up, and do some sanding there.  That would be nice.  Also, there's the decluttering and the weed scraping but that won't take very long at all.  Just a normal 'plenty-of-things-to-do' kind of day.

But first I must sort out the kitchen - I didn't exactly leave it tidy yesterday, bad me!
Is it cold your way too or are you getting milder and maybe wetter weather?  And have you ever undertaken a wood furniture 'renovation'?  How did you find it?   
Have a lovely day.  xx


  1. An electric sander is a life changer! - well not quite but it's certainly easier. Don't go too cheap though

    1. Thanks - that's helpful to know. I think that if the first table does come out OK, maybe I will invest. xx

  2. I do love an electric sander... but I kind of like most power tools.

    1. < grin > I don't think I have any of that kind of tool - maybe it is time I did, eh? xx

  3. We've had hard frosts overnight for the past 3 nights, but lovely (and quite warm!) sunshine during the days. Doesn't it raise our spirits?! xx

    1. It truly does. And the bulbs are opening and there's a green fuzz on trees and bushes. It's just lovely! xx

  4. It's still really cold here, Joy. And even today, I think we were the only part of the UK with cloud and drizzle. I can't wait for some proper spring weather. Xx
