Wednesday 29 July 2015


Good morning to you all, gentle readers.  Welcome to Wednesday.  I loved Wednesdays in this last school year because it was my 'different' day - violin lessons, library times, PPA in the afternoon.  A day with a different pattern.  I think I will have to plan something 'different' on Wednesdays in my new life!

Yesterday was lovely.  Not quite the lazy day I had anticipated but still lovely.  We (some friends and I) took a trip up the A1 to Boundary Mill mainly because we love looking round there but specifically to look at yarn, patterns and all things knitty.  My friend got her yarn and I very nobly resisted the impulse to buy up the whole department although  I did get some little buttons for the cardigan I am making for the grand total of just under a pound!  Then we went downstairs to Downtown which is a sort of factory outlet place for clothes.  Just for once (seriously just for once, I don't normally) I found some clothes that will fit if I stay on the healthy eating.  So now I have two new fully lined skirts and a new top which I will be able to wear when the weather gets cooler (as long as I remain motivated and eat properly).
Apart from the clothes and buttons I am pleased to announce that I walked through the kitchen area without buying anything!  That's right.  Not even a wooden spoon.  That's not to say I wasn't tempted, I was, greatly, but I was good!

Once home again I then got on with my knitting before we had fish and chips for tea - deeeelicious.  Oven baked so dead easy and not terribly calorific either.

In the garden the tomatoes are doing extremely well and I shall have to pinch out the tops soon.  I forgot to feed them this weekend, so that's on the list of Things To Do.  The runners are doing great on one side but very poorly on the others.  I've put down the slug pellets so fingers crossed!

Today we are hoping to whizz along to Wrest Park to see a new exhibition which tells the story of Wrest Park as the first WW1 convalescent home in the country.  It's a lovely place to visit and I know we will have a good time.  Well worth a visit, if you can.  Several, in fact!

I won't post menus this week as it's all rather gung ho, but they will be back by the weekend!

Have a wonderful day and may the sun shine on you.


  1. The sun is shining on me this morning and I too am looking at some knitting to keep me occupied.

  2. I've just read your blog! It sounds like quite a challenge so good for you!
    J x
