Saturday 4 July 2015


There are advantages and disadvantages about being deaf as a post and wearing hearing aids.
I slept like a log last night which is great and just what was needed but it seems I missed the greatest show on earth.
To be fair, I did know there was a storm going on when I made the nightly trip down the landing with barely opened eyes and clearly saw my way as lightning flashed but it didn't keep me awake and I never heard the thunder.

I'm awake and blogging very early so have no idea how much rain we have had or whether there's any damage to the plants because  it is still dark but I expect I won't need to give them their morning drink today.

Yesterday was another good day.  It was warm, sunny and fresh with a breeze that stopped things from getting too phew!  I did a playground duty in the morning and it was lovely.
It was just infants as all the juniors were at Melbourne Stadium for their sports day that had been scheduled for May but was stopped by rain!  Yesterday morning was perfect - not too hot and not too humid.  So we infants made the most of our opportunity and had a delightful morning play!

It was a good day's planning.  The maths (fractions of numbers) was practical and enjoyable, English was fun as they started planning a poem and the DT in the afternoon was, as one little girl said, 'Better than Golden Time, Mrs Clark!'  And she LOVES Golden Time!

When I got home the cleaners had been, worked their magic and gone again,  and Beth was there, stitching away on the machine!  We had a good old chat about this, that and the other before she went and I watched a most exciting Wimbledon match.  I am sure you know which one I mean.  Didn't she do well too?

Today I have some marking to do and I have a school policy to amend but apart from that I intend to take things easy and enjoy life!  I haven't done any sewing for ages so that's also on the list. Also I have promised Beth loadsa bread as Alex is now home all day and is eating her out of house and home! Oh, and there may be some tennis to watch!  It all sounds good, doesn't it?

I have decided to include breadline stuff at the bottom of my regular entry rather than as a separate one from now on.
Breakfast:  Bacon and tomato (my favourite so a real treat)
Lunch:  Egg salad (with salad cream, delish), fruit
Dinner:  Confession time.  I indulged in a doner kebab last night and there's loads left over so I shall have that with more salad.  I might have to freeze some too - they are very generous with their portions!  My frugal conscience is appeased somewhat when I realise that it's going to give me three or perhaps four portions.

What's your favourite take away and how long does it last?

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