Saturday 4 July 2015

How does your garden grow?

 The tomatoes have come on amazingly well in this hot weather and I how have to start feeding them, especially as . . .

Lookity, look, I have baby tomatoes.  Not that clear so let's play 'Spot the tomato'.  Can you see it?

Two years ago I planted some hundreds and thousands tomato plants in a bag of soil.  They were amazing at the time but I made the decision not to grow any more because they had quite thick skins for such a titchy fruit.
Last year a few plants came up in the bag.  I had been trying to grow french beans in that bag so I weeded the tomatoes out and only let them grow when it became obvious that the beans weren't going to grow!  I had quite a lot from them, considering that they were so late in starting.
This year another one has come up and this year it will be tended and loved.  After all, it is a freebie!!

Pesky thing but quite cute in his own way.   
I suppose . . .


  1. I have a silent assistant in the garden Dan picks up weed seeds in his coat when out on his walks and then kindly plants them in my garden. I foolishly planted some jerusalem artichokes one year and they are all but impossible to get rid of year after year they come up in the most inaccessible places. Do the pigeons, slugs or snails eat them, no, they go for my gooseberries or my newly planted beans.

  2. Of course they do. They may be right pests but they are not stupid.
    If I had planned Jerusalem artichokes I won't after your word of warning! What are they like to eat?
    J x

  3. I've never tried them, they have a bit of a 'causing severe trumpeting' reputation ...

  4. Ah. Right, maybe not a good idea then!!!
    J x

  5. Oh my goodness Mama... Jerusalem artichokes are awful. My goodness. The worst wind you ever had. You could probably power Chelmsford for the day, after Fartichokes. Never had wind like it.

    Think I'm exaggerating? Try and see... at your peril!

    They are yummy, but having tried them twice and suffering afterwards (not just the wind but the accompanying bloating and pain that goes with it) I would never touch them again.

  6. Fear not, I have been well and truly put off!!! :-)
    J x
