Friday 10 July 2015


Good morning, gentle readers.

Yesterday turned out to be a memorable day for a number of reasons.

First of all - today we are off to Sarfend.  It is a genuine study trip and it means no planning, no lesson preparation and no marking!  Three cheers.

Also I'm making great strides with my clearing out.  The cupboard over the sink are done but not dusted (yet), the cupboards under the sink are staying as they are as they contain art stuff, the cupboards over the pegs need doing but aren't all that bad really and then it is just my shelves and odd piles of stuff here and there!  I haven't filled too many bin bags (yet) after last year's major declutter but I have been feeding the 'confidential waste' bag that will go to be shredded. An awful lot of stuff is now on the pool so there's no need to keep hard copies.

Then Beth had some amazing news which has made her (and me) very happy.  I will tell you more in due course.

And finally a parent friend sent me a link to information about our KS1 SATs/levels that cheered me up no end.

All good news.  Now I have a slight  headache which is rapidly fading under the influence of the first coffee of the day.

So today - Southend.  Geographical.  Looking at two contrasting areas.  Worksheets about amenities and features of a coastal town with a visit to the sealife centre.  Taking a train along the pier and back again.  A walk along the coast.  NOT visiting the funfair, arcades, etc.

The weather looks to be good and it will be fresher by the sea.  It should be a good day!


  1. When you are in southend I will be the other side of the river looking at you!!!! We can just about see the blocks of flats in southend on a clear day so don't bother waving!!!!!

  2. Fieldwork is always more tiring than anyone not in the know would expect. Hope you treat yourself to a relaxing weekend afterwards. Jx

  3. Dit you talk about taking the dogane, I did think of you when I looked across and remembered that you write about taking the dogs for a swim in the estuary. I will even confess to sending a little wave of the non-water kind over to you!
    Joan - I was utterly shattered afterwards. The only think keeping me awake on the bust was the knowledge that I was in charge . . .!
    J x

  4. Blimey, sorry, Diane - the cursor must have jumped. I really don't like this laptop!!!
    J x
