Friday 24 July 2015


Good morning, gentle readers.  It's a cool and dull start to the day out there but the windows are open to get the fresh air in as they are every morning.  I gather that there's some 'significant weather' coming our way in the next twenty four hours which means I won't have to water the garden this evening or tomorrow morning!

In the garden the fencing has been made and the rotten wood of the shed has been replaced.  It's all looking good, if patchy!  Today, weather permitting, it will all be painted and I have to pop out to B&Q early to get some more of the right paint.  It opens at 7 so that's good.

Also (fanfare of trumpets) for the first time in decades, I have outside clothes drying space.  The rotary line fixing thingy is not in the ground and, for today, the line is up so I can - er - look at it!  I can't use it until I get some pegs!  Actually, to be quite honest, I do have some pegs but they are all in use keeping food bags closed.  It's cheaper to use pegs than those special clips you can buy, so I use pegs.  I use them in the cupboards and also in the freezers!  I need a peg bag too, but I will make one so that can wait.  I have baskets that will do in the meanwhile.  Another thing on the B&Q list!

Talking of lists, when I was sorting out the big cupboard, I came across something I was given years ago.  It's a long, thin note pad with 'Chopin Liszt' written across the top.  It is now out and on the desk so will get used more, I am sure.

Changing the subject, I had a good look at the tomato plants this morning which are doing beautifully in the bed.  I have always planted them in pots before but this is a heck of a lot easier.  It was actually down to pressures of work combined with downright laziness that I didn't get out the pots, buy some soil, etc, but it's been fine.  You may remember that I snapped the top off one of the plants as I was tying it up some weeks ago.  All the other plants have sent out side shoots and I was hoping that it too could continue via a side shoot but dear me, no!  Not a chance.  However, the two trusses that it has produced are much longer than any of those on the other plants so no complaints.

Well, given that it is past seven now and B&Q actually opens at seven, I'd better get going.  Have a good day and I hope you are not too troubled by 'weather' where you live.


  1. Good luck with the washing line there is nothing quite like clothes that have been dried in the fresh air and sunshine. Tumble driers are a god send at time but nothing beats the outdoors. Have a good day even if the weather is going to be miserable.

  2. I will, thanks. There's plenty to do and it will keep me out of trouble.
    Just off to B&Q now and I think I will also pop into Wyvale while I am there.
    J x
