Thursday 16 July 2015


Two more to go!

We had a good day yesterday.  We weren't sure if violins was on but it was.  The children are working slowly now but we got some work done and in the afternoon I was able to get a slot in the ICT suite.  That room has changed out of all recognition in recent years and now, finally, there are enough computers for one each rather than having to share.

Having finally, after a good push, managed to get the year 2 coding stuff finished, I wanted them to use what they'd learnt to create a little game involving moving an object round a pathway.
Words like 'algorithm' and 'debug' flew in all directions as they coded, re-coded and generally showed me that, with the program we use, they have mastered simple coding pretty well (at Y2 level, that is).
It was all great fun.
We have our own computer suite time this afternoon so we will go in again and they can have a 'free' choice.  Not totally free, of course, but enough to be fun!

It feels very strange to be sitting here with no outstanding marking, no planning to review, no smart board slides to create, no resources to prepare.  The classroom is as tidy as I can possibly make it, given two more days at school.  Even most of the stuff on the walls has come down and is ready for handing out, filing away for G (who will have my classroom next term) or in the bin.  All those posters.  Our marking code, the 'wash your hands' reminders, the labels for different areas, the reading area signs about what makes a good reader, the golden rules . . . all down.   Today the new backing paper will go up on the display boards!

It feels so odd to know that in two days it won't be 'my' space any more.  I have been in that classroom on and off for . . . well, let's say 'many years', shall we?  A good long time.  It's as familiar to me as my own home, albeit strangely uncluttered!

Today is finishing off, ICT and a 'special' assembly which I am dreading!   But first - coffee!!!


  1. I guess its going to feel very strange not to have to go there every day regardless of how you feel about it, but I do still think you're going to love the new phase in your life once you adapt to it!
    Knowing that you're leaving soon is a very strange feeling isn't it? Even though I've never worked in one place for 'many years' I feel it a little every time a contract is coming to an end and I know that nothing I do today will impact my working life after the contract ends... motivation can be hard to find... we call it demob fever in the contracting world!

  2. Once you are over the initial feelings of being on holiday you will find that the time fills itself and soon you will wonder how you ever found the time to work.

  3. Yes, I was going to say what Diane has said. One hears it so often when people say they can't imagine how they had time to work. :o) Wow, two more days (now only one) - amazing. It must be strange, yet also a relief, not to have to worry about marking and all the hundreds of other jobs you have always had to do. Án emotional time for you, too, and I hope you are OK. I am sure the Assembly will have been lovely.
    Take great care! S.xxxx

  4. I shall blog about today tomorrow!!!
    Chrissie, yes, it will be extremely strange. I feel strangely divorced from it all right now but it will become more familiar.
    Diane: you could be right although I do intend to carry on working a bit. I can't imagine having no contact at all with school after spending more than half my life in the place one way or another.
    Sonja: yes, assembly was lovely . . .

    J xxx
