Friday, 6 September 2024

Friday evening, 06-09-24 - another visit to Wisley and more photos.

Evening, everyone.

We really didn't pick a good week for my stay with Suzanne but the rain did lift for a couple of hours while we were there.

We said - it's not a nice day, there shouldn't be many people there.  How wrong can you be?  It is Wisley flower show this week and the car parks were absolutely packed, despite the rain.  There were nice RHS people directing cars to spaces which was a great help so we didn't have to go round and round, thankfully.

We looked at some of the stalls but mainly we wandered around the bits I hadn't seen last week.   It was all lovely and I will pop on some photos without comments below because they're not needed really - comments, I mean!

We went to the World Food Café and shared a very tasty bean, avocado and tortilla chip sandwich with a black coffee (not shared!!) and braved the drive up to the Wisley roundabout, around and back home again.  I now know exactly how to negotiate it to get back on theM25 so no worries.

Here's the photos and tomorrow I will be home and back to normal again.  Goodnight, everyone.


  1. I had a friend who used to call moss, God's carpet.

  2. Lovely photos. Safe journey home. Catriona

  3. Lots to look at despite the rain.

    1. Yes, loads. I do love the RHS places. xx

  4. What lovely photos.

    God bless.

    1. It's a very photogenic place, even on such a very dull day. xx

  5. Great photos, starting to look Autumnal.

    1. Yes, we noticed that too. There was definitely more autumnal colour than even a week ago. xx

  6. You could go back every day for a week and not cover all of Wisley. I'm pleased you weren't drenched.

    1. I agree. There is so much to see there. We were extremely lucky with the weather. It was the only time all day that it wasn't pouring. I felt for Suzanne though - she was doing the driving. xx

  7. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos of Petworth and Wisley. Even with the rain it looks like you had a good time with your friend Suzanne.

    1. We did, thanks. It was lovely. Such a beautiful place. xx
