Sunday 19 March 2023

Sunday, 19-03-23

 Morning, everyone.  After all the rain yesterday, it looks pretty pleasant at the moment and the forecast looks pretty good too.  Nice.

Someone (sorry, I don't know who) asked how I do the granny squares.  I'm assuming, from what you said, that you've made them before so . . .

I start with a magic ring although a chain ring (around eight, maybe?) would be fine.  I like using a magic ring (or magic circle) because it provides a firm base and can be pulled in so there's no hole in the middle.
There are loads of instructions for this on YouTube.  Here's a link for one.

Into the magic ring I ch3, two tr (English trebles), ch2, 3(3tr, 2ch), join to the top of the first 3ch with a sl st.
So you have four blocks with two chains between each block and those two chains are the corners.

Then sl st along and into the next 2ch space.

Each round after than starts with 2ch, 2 tr to create the first block.  All the other blocks are 3tr and the spaces are 1ch along the rows and 2ch at each corner.  I find that makes a really good square without any pulling in at the corners and no need to pin and steam press into shape.

Changing colour - pull yarn through after you have joined with a sl st and cut.  Start the next round in whichever ch space you want to use.  I like to separate the starts as much as possible because of sewing in afterwards.

This square doesn't turn - you are always going the same way round.

If you don't crochet, this will look like gobbledegook but if you do, I hope I've not left anything out.

The weather yesterday morning was horrible on and off and never better than drizzly so the walk was called off.  It's a shame but we are all golden oldies and none of us relish getting soaked.  I got my exercise anyway doing Lindsey's SET class online.
I did the washing but not the ironing so that's on today's list.  The rest of the day was just nice, gently, idle stuff - reading, crochet, watching various history videos on YouTube (there's some really interesting stuff on YouTube once you go beyond the vlogs and the 'influencers').

Today, Beth and Alex are coming round for Sunday lunch which I am really looking forward to.  I'll get the ironing done before they arrive, I've already prepped all the veg and, apart from the actual cooking, all I need to make is the cranberry sauce, hardly and arduous task.

Once they've gone, it will be the usual late afternoon chilling with my Kindle and my crochet before dinner.
Just a typical and very pleasant Sunday.  Nice.
Have a good one too, everyone, however you spend your SUnday.  xx


  1. It does sound like you have a pleasant day planned ... I'm not counting the ironing in that though! Hope you have a lovely meal with Beth and Alex and that Alex enjoys his roasties. xx

  2. Good food in good company - who could ask for anything more?

    1. Absolutely. It has been a good day. xx

  3. Thanks so much for the granny square instructions! They are, indeed, different than I have been doing them - using double crochets, ch 2 on the sides, and ch 3 in the corners. I'm going to try your way. Thank you again.

    1. I hope it works for you as well as it works for me. :-)

    2. An English treble is the same as a North American dc

    3. True - good point. I did specify English trebles but the different names can be very confusing. Thanks, Marjorie.

    4. Thanks so much ladies. I see that the problem with my squares has been too many chains in the corner and on the sides. I reduced them to one joining ch in between the side double/treble groups and two in each corner. They are looking much improved and seem much sturdier. I also used a slightly smaller hook which helped, as well.

    5. That's good. I think with these things it's a case of finding what suits you really. What are you making?

  4. Sounds wonderful, Joy. That's great that you are still getting your exercise, in spite of the rain. I do the stairs and thigh master indoors in the bad weather. It all works.

    1. Everything helps, doesn't it? It's what works for the individual. xx

  5. I might just try this pattern. Your squares look to have kept their shape very nicely. Xx

    1. They do seem to have. There are so many different Granny square patterns, aren't there? xx
