Wednesday 22 May 2019


Good morning, everyone.  It's a jolly chilly morning but there's no frost, thank goodness.  It's sunny but I'm not sure how long the sun will last, unlike yesterday when it shone brightly and warmly pretty much all day.

Well, the big news is that I have my home back again now.  For the first time in a fortnight, I don't have to be dressed by eight o'clock.  Everything is back in the bathroom, behind closed doors, and I can't tell you how pleased I am with the way it looked.  I couldn't have my bath though - Matt said to let the sealant harden (or whatever the term is) around the bath so it's todays treat instead.  I was allowed to use the loo though!
I think it's a great use of a very small space so let's see if I can keep it looking so shiny/new!

Photos are sort of scanning round from left to right.

The other big news is . . .

(taken this morning)
Once they get going, they don't take long to ripen.  I'm really not sure why they are so ahead as all the others are like the others in the photo - small and green.
No complaining though!

I had a list of things to do yesterday and it all went pretty well.
It was a perfect drying day and I got four loads washed, three dried and two ironed, aired and away.  One load needs getting out of the machine and, as it's mostly knits, needs careful drying.  I'll iron the rest today.

I sorted out the bathroom stuff, obviously.  It was surprising how much I had in those baskets and I certainly don't need to buy any soaps or hair products for some time to come.  Not having baskets on the high window ledge makes the whole space seem airy and bright, something I hadn't thought of.

I planted out the delphinium (blue) next to a geranium (red) - although neither are showing colour yet, just buds.  However, I didn't get the beans planted so that's a small task for today.  I got sidetracked into scraping some of those everlasting weeds from between the paving slabs instead.
Still garden related, I was ever so naughty.  Realising I didn't have any bush tomatoes (I like to have a bush tomato, they are so prolific), I went online and bought a couple of Tumbling Toms.  It's just as well I love tomatoes, isn't it, and I do like to have loads to give away as well.
I can't wait for the clematis buds to open . . .

. . . but I will have to!

Today is a social sort of day.  I'm meeting a dear friend/old colleague for coffee down at the Tiptree Tea Rooms opposite the Writtle Ag this morning.  Then home for some housework (a bit more clearing and creating space for myself) before a friend comes over for a cuppa this afternoon.  I might also do a fair bit of peeping through the bathroom door to enjoy the view as well!

Have a lovely day, whatever your plans are.  xx


  1. Your bathroom looks really lovely Joy, you must be so pleased with it. How lovely to have ripe strawberries, ours won't be ready for another couple of weeks yet. Enjoy your day, sounds like you will. xx

    1. I don't think the rest of mine will be either - it's just those two. :-)
      Thanks, Sooze, I really am thrilled with the end results, it's lovely.

  2. It's looking so good, everything fitting in beautifully. Just love the radiator!

    Have a lovely day. Friends in Essex always go to Tiptree tea rooms for birthday treats, I may try them sometime, although it's a bit of a journey for a cuppa!

    1. If you ever happen to be in the neighbour hood . . .
      I love the radiator too - I've fancied having one for simply ages! Great for drying more than one towel!

  3. Lovely bathroom Joy it all looks so fresh and clean there is nothing like white. and the strawberries are coming on a treat.

    1. Thanks, Diane. I love the brightness and the space is great for such a small room. The bath may be titchy but I was happy with the bath I had. I just have to get used to the differences, that's all.

  4. It is very peep worthy indeed! Love that shelf with the ivy and the flooring! I had recently new chrome taps fitted, and a chrome shower last year, and have finally learnt how to keep the hard water deposits off them by drying them with a soft cloth every day! Simple, then why did it take me decades to twig????

    1. The shelf is where all the pipes are boxed in but it makes a really nice feature, I think.
      I know what you mean about the chrome. I tend to be lazy with wiping over everything so I have started today as I mean to go on. It helps that the bath is so amsll making it a lot easier.

  5. Your new bath is absolutely gorgeous, Joy! It’s quite spa-like! Enjoy it! Our spring flowers are finally blooming here in Missouri, US, but we’ve had such cool weather, it’s hard to realize it’s almost June. Zenda

    1. Thanks - that's lovely of you.
      I can't quite realise that we are only a month away from the longerst day - that's amazing!

  6. Your new bath looks lovely!! How exciting to have it all complete. Your workman worked very efficiently I think. Won't those strawberries taste delicious when they are fully ripe! Have a wonderful day!

    1. Matt has a very good name in these parts and he's never done less than an excellend job for me, bless him. He certainly doesn't waste any time.

  7. The bathroom looks lovely, Joy. You must be thrilled with it.
    I think we'll be waiting a lot longer to harvest any of our strawberries, although for just two small plants, I think we'll do quite well from them. X

    1. I really am, Jules. I keep going up, just to look at it. I know that sounds daft but . . . :-)
      And so nice not to have to trek downstairs in the middle of the night.

  8. I just love your new bathroom. So nice and clean and fresh. Can you explain airing to me? You wash, iron and then air your sheets? Is this something that makes them seem fresher? Thanks for your patience! I've never heard of anyone doing that on this side of the Atlantic.

    1. I like to iron thiongs when they are just slightly on the damp side of completely dry as they iron so much better. After that, I just hang things up or drape them on the drying rack for a while before putting them away, just to make sure all the damp goes. Sometimes it isn't necessary.

  9. Oh it looks lovely. That’s another thing to tick off as a success.
