Thursday 30 May 2019


Good morning, everyone.  The sun is shining and it feels cheerful!  Yesterday, however, was miserable with drizzle, wind and, to me, it felt cold.  I actually turned on my electric blanket when I went to bed, that's how cold I felt.

Yesterday passed!  Tuition went well - a longer session for an eleven plusser. I did a bit of shopping round Morrisons, Beth came round and we did a bit of stuff together and then Jeff came round and now my patio garden is clear of weeds between the slabs, bless him.  I did a bit of gardening myself but am avoiding the front and I really mustn't!  Maybe - today?

Also, I picked and munched on some strawberries and they were just luscious.  I give them another week before I have loads and every day my menu plan will feature strawberries one way or another.  There are a few gaps in the strawberry bed and a few plants are really rather old so I must remember to use some of the thousands of runners my plants send out every year.

In the evening I watched telly and did all my idoning so now I have an empty basket, always a joyous thing to see.

Today I am gong round to a friends and then over to Beth's for a while so that's the morning sorted.  After lunch, I will either garden or declutter or, if I'm very energetic, both!  And pigs might fly!

The evening is SW group (no pottery class over half term so I'm back to my old group) and it's a taster evening which I always enjoy.  Fingers crossed for a bit of a loss this week - I've been trying very hard.

Have a lovely day and I hope the sun shines for you.  xxx


  1. Sounds like another lovely day, Joy. I am sure you will do well at SW. The taster thingy sounds good! Hope the sun stays all day. :o)
    Love, S. xxx

    1. Thanks, S. My fingers are very crossed. :-)

  2. When you say a tater does someone actually cook some meals to try? It is just miserable more than cold here...and raining.
    Fingers crossed for a good weight loss. xx

    1. It's a mixture - it ends up rather like a buffet really with a taste for everyone who wants to try. We usually get all sorts, sweet and savoury.

  3. It's cold and windy here so I'm having an indoor doing nothing day 😁

    Good luck on your weigh in tonight. As to the empty ironing basket, please will you come round and show me how that is possible?

    1. It's turned somewhat here too. It is possible I won't be walking to group this evening as I had hoped!
      As for the ironing basket, it's:
      take the ironing board into the living room and plonk in front of the telly at it's lowest setting.
      Get dining chair.
      Get ironing basket
      Plug in iron.
      Turn on telly and select a programme.
      Easy peasy!
      (and then do it all over again the next day)

    2. I'd probably understand it better if you came round and demonstrated 🤣

    3. Any time I'm your way! :-)

  4. An empty ironing basket!? I'm envious. Enjoy your taster evening. X

    1. Thanks, Jules. I'm sure I will, I always enjoy them.

  5. Surprised when I read about ironing being such a big chore - mine takes me about 20 minutes once a week - I only iron a few things nowadays.

    1. I know some folk think like you but I do like to iron quite a lot of things so it takes a bit longer. I guess everyone's different. I know many don't orin sheets and tea towels now, for example,
