Tuesday 28 May 2019


Good morning, everyone.  Most of yesterday was fine and bright and we had some sunshine.  The rain came in the evening but not really enough to soak the ground.  Today is supposed to be a bit sunshiny in the morning with rain showers after lunch and through the afternoon.  We will see!

Yesterday was a funny old day in some ways, a bit emotional (and that's all I am saying).  Tuition was great; I really enjoyed it and I hope the children did too.  Then I went home and made some soup for me and some for Beth with beans instead of turkey.  By the time I'd finished packing all the veg in, there was enough for two more portion for Beth (now in the freezer for her lunches) and two for me (one for today and one for the freezer).

I planted out the cucumber mini-plants and contrived a sort of Health Robinson-ish contraption for support as I don't want the plants trailing all over the patio any more than I can help.  They're still alive and not wilting so I guess they have survived the move (for now)

So now I have or potentially have:
loads of tomatoes
runner beans
autumn fruiting raspberries
and cucumbers (well, maybe)
(the cucumbers are planted in the container I had intended for carrots so bye-bye, carrots)

And the ooh la la clematis looks as pretty as a picture.

In the afternoon I did some washing, sewed and knitted and helped Beth finish off a few orders.

Here's one of them.  Applique owl cushions.  Just what the customer ordered.

Today I am going for an early morning swim.  When I get back, Chris over the cul-de-sac is coming over for coffee and then the day's my own.  I need to do a small shop at some point and I shall grab the sewing machine as Beth isn't over today.

Yesterday morning, when I surveyed my domain, I saw that some evil cat had deposited a not-so-little message slap bang in the middle of my tomatoes, pesky thing.  I googled and found that citrus peel can be a deterrent as they don't like the smell.  This was a very good excuse reason for demolishing several easy peelers, the outsides of which are now in the appropriate place.  I surprised the same moggy just now as I drew back the curtains, but not over by the tomatoes and he ran a mile when he saw me.  Guilty conscience, maybe?
Seriously, I hope that sorts that particular issue out but there are other things I can try, if necessary.

I counted just now and I have eight strawberries almost ready for picking.  They do show up well on the straw, making them easy to spot.  That'll be my breakfast in a couple of days, topped with yogurt!

Well, better stop and do my other messaging.  Have a super day, whatever your plans.  xx


  1. We dont tend to get cat problems but that is because the dogs wouldn't allow it!!!!

    1. That's one strategy I won't be trying though! :-D

  2. Our next door but one neighbours have 3 cats, who all tend to use our back (vegetable) garden, blimmin' nuisance. Betty only gets let out in the front garden, not the back - she views the back garden with all the raised beds and veggies/fruits as an adventure playground and runs riot! Your clematis is gorgeous. xx

    1. Three? Goodness me! THey must be a right pain!
      I can see the clematis from where I'm sitting and it's such a lovely splash of colour. All to one side at the moment but there are bus all over so that's great!

  3. Love the owl cushions - they look so cross.

    Have a good day - forecast is grotty

    1. Don't they? It makes me smile.
      We've got sunshing right now but it's none too warm and there's a fresh breeze. Fingers crossed.

  4. flipping cats. We don't have many outdoor cats around here I am pleased to say.

  5. Replies
    1. It's nore likely that a cat will be outdoor than indoor here. I doubt I have scared hin away - he'll be back doing what comes naturally to cats, I guess.
      And thanks very much. Me too.
