Tuesday 21 May 2019


Good morning, everyone.  It looks like being a lovely day!

The end is nigh!  The bathroom is nearly mine again and I think the first thing I shall do when Matt leaves is have a bath!  I can't say 'relax in the bath' because it's not big enough for that, but I have to christen it, don't I.  The next thing will be to put bathroom things in the new storage and the plant I bought for the purpose (just an ivy) on the shelf that used to hold a basket with bathroom bits and bobs in it.

I'm getting ahead of myself . . .
Yesterday, once home, I unloaded and then went out into the garden with the little tomato plants that Dad was so kind as to get for me from Bickerdikes.  I also took out the few plants I had and now all twelve plants are out in their forever bed/pots, encouraged by some slow release food and a good watering in.  It's now a question of watching and watering and telling them what good little tomato plants they are!
I have a few different kinds this year.  Sungolds, of course.  They are so sweet and juicy and wonderful for just picking and scoffing.  Gardeners' delight, an old favourite.  Then three I've not tried before.  Supersweet which, according to Google, produces slightly larger than usual cherry tomatoes with thin skins (good) on long trusses; Sweet Million, another cherry tomato and Sparta which is a medium sized variety.  They're all cordons so I will be busy tying up and pinching out once they get going.
I know they don't look much - yet - but they will.

As I planted, I was delighted to notice something else.
Yes, the first strawberries have started to ripen.  I need to get some straw/hay to lift them off the damp earth but give it a fortnight or so and I will be picking my own breakfast fruit!

After all that, I rushed off to school to do my bit for the youngest generation before coming back for tuition.

Today there's nothing in the diary until late afternoon.  However, there's plenty to do.
Change the sheets
Sort out the bathroom
Plant the runner beans
Plant out the delpinium (blue)
Deal with a pile of 'stuff'
Washing, drying (outside - yay) and ironing,
A bit of planning
Have a think about if I need bedding plants and, if so, what
And time to sit, knit and read out in the garden, weather permitting.

Oh, it's such a hard life, being retired!


  1. Your day sounds brilliant, especially that last line :-)

    1. I am particularly looking forward to that last, I have to say. The washing is in, Matt is here doing the last bits and the bean seeds are on the table, waiting. I shall start dealing with the 'stuff' after I've checked my messages. :-)

  2. Do you know, we've been busier than ever since we retired! Well, I'm not retirement age yet but am effectively retired, as I won't be in paid employment anymore. I guess the difference (and a lovely one it is) now is that all the things we do can be done at our own pace, rather than to someone else's timetable. Have a lovely 'retired' day, Joy xx

    1. It's a different kind of 'busy', isn't it. Generally busy at our own pace, on our own agenda, doing things we want (or need) to do. It is very satisfying.

  3. I have strawberry plants but we are at least a month away from them being ripe.

    1. You've had a long, cold winter, haven't you? They'll be all the nicer when they come.

  4. Your strawberries are doing well. Ours are only just beginning to lose their petals.
    Yay! for the bathroom almost finished. X

    1. Well, it's just two - the others are still small and green. I'm not sure why those two are so far ahead but they're nice to see.

  5. I hope that by now you have your bathroom back and have had your longed for bath.

    It looks like you’re in for a good crop of strawberries 🍓

    1. I hope so - some of the plants are quite old now and I need to mark the ones that are not so fruitful this season and replace them with plants I can take from the runners later on.
      I have my bathroom but no bath yet!
