Friday 24 May 2019


Morning, everyone!  It's one of those stupid o'clock days but I don't really mind.  I can just get started earlier and maybe do a bit more decluttering.
It's too early to tell the weather except that it's not raining.  Yesterday was very warm, the warmest this month, I would say, and very sunny too.  Sitting out in my little arbour with coffee and my knitting was really lovely and long may it continue.

I had a nice swim early yesterday.  There are people in the pool (or heading for the pool) as soon as the place opens, but not too many and all fairly intent on swimming rather than chatting which suited me fine.

AFter that I went home for breakfast and then set off for one of the smaller retail parks  - well, I say smaller but it's not tiny, it has just two shops, B&Q and Wyvale, both of which are large with lots of outdoor space for plants, pots, etc.
I tackled B&Q first:  I bought a nemesia and a lupin.  Both are perennial although I think lupins are hardier.  They will fill a few spaces in my middle bed and, together with the delphinium, I rather think that's my middle bed sorted, especially once the runners germinate and take the space up at each end.
I also got a cordeline for a container.
When it came to the last container, I decided to go for some carrots so bought a pack of seeds and will sow the first sowing today.
I also picked up (just - they're heavy, even the smaller ones) a bag of general potting stuff for the bush tomato pots, when they arrive.
Then I went to Wyvale where they have a big pet area and got some straw which is now under the strawberries to protect them from the damp earth.
See . . .

I left the tomato soil un-strawed but I think I will put some there too - it'll protect any tomatoes that fall off.

After a spot of gardening and some lunch, I did yesterday's bit of decluittering by going through all the folders of pupils, past and present, shredding all the old stuff before getting it out for the bin men, just in time for collection.  I'm glad I got that done!

Pottery was, as always, good.  Three coasters are now finished and home, although I don't like the one on the right and will look for a better leaf shape to replace it, I think.  The fourth one is now all smoothed off and ready for firing - in fact, by the time the class was over, it was in and the kiln was on.  Then I worked on the bowl and the individual leaves (I call them leaves but they look more like flames to me!) are now wrapped in cling film to keep them soft until the next session which insn't for a fortnight as next week is half term.

So that was yesterday!
Today, after such an early waking, I think I will do a spot of decluttering before breakfast.  I intend catching the earliest bus I can use my pass on to pop into town where  I need to get some curtain lining fabric and tape and I also want to pop into Lakeland to get some of these.

They're net bags for food storage in the fridge, especially vegetables.
I anticipate getting good use from them, especially at this time of year.

(thank you, Sue, for mentioning them)

Once home again, maybe I will declutter a bit more and I have the weekend meal plans to do, hopefully using what I have in as I really don't fancy more shopping.

No swimming today but I think I will be very active, all the same.  It should be a good day - I hope yours is too.  xx

Edited to add - thanks for all the lovely comments about Beth's cushions.  The customer was so pleased, they ordered two more asap and some more for Beth to make next month.  I guess if anyone is interested, please do get in touch with me and I can pass you on.


  1. Sitting outdoors knitting with a cup of coffee sounds perfect to me, Joy and the strawberries are coming on a treat, although I am surprised you haven't been tempted to eat them yet.
    The coasters are lovely. Will you make use of them or are they just for decoration? X

    1. I've been VERY tempted, Jules. I think SW must have improved my self control!
      I will be using the coasters. I just need to stick some felt spots underneath first.

  2. The coasters ALL look brilliant.
    I agree about yesterday being the warmest so far - it was glorious, I sat out with eyes closed just drifting - it was lovely

    1. Aw, thanks, Sue. I'm pretty pleased wioth them really.
      Not so warm today, is it?

  3. Love the coasters they look very much like leaves to me have a nice day in the sun I believe it is not to last and Monday could be wet.

    1. Isn't that always the way - typical bank holiday/half term weather.

  4. Lovely coasters and I particularly like the shape of the one on the right! ;-)

    1. Really??? lol - just goes to show - something! :-)

  5. The Lakeland bags are just what I want so thanks for that. I've seen the American versions on various blogs but didn't know where to get them in the UK. I want to use them to reduce the use of plastic bags when I go shopping.

    The coasters look so good ... and I like that you are going to use them. I've done so many courses where I don't ever get around to using the stuff I've made.

    1. They're good, really good. I'm so pleased one of the Sues mentioned them on their blog.

  6. Those coasters are beautiful, Joy! You did a great job and I also like the one on the end! Blue is one of my favorite colors. I also liked the pillows that Beth created. So pretty! You are both quite artistic!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Maybe it's just me about that poor, unfortunate coaster. Ti me, it just doesn't seem to fit with the others!
      The cushions are great, aren't they, and I am encouraging Beth to do some more in the same way but with different pictures/shapes.
      We're both 'handy', if you see what I mean, but Beth is the really creative and artistic one. I can't draw to save my life, for instance. We both get a considerable amount of pleasure and satisfaction from it though.
