Saturday 18 May 2019


Morning, everyone.  Well, the good weather had to break and yesterday it did.  Instead of brightening up, as I hoped, it got gloomier and then it started to rain.  It was nothing heavy, just a pretty persistent drizzle that dampened everything.  Good for the plants!

After Thursday's lazy day, yesterday felt very busy.  A bit like the hokey cokey, in, out, in out!  I was again very thankful for the car.
I had my swim first, followed by a shower and a visit to Home Bargains, before going home for breakfast.  Then I went out and about, here and there, getting this, that and the other.  I found a couple of half decent tomato plants, a delphinium (blue*) to replace the one that doesn't seem to have come up this year, a plant and a container for the bathroom and all sorts of other necessary bits and bobs.  I wernt home to drop all that stuff off before setting off to Beth's to take a present for a young friend.  On the way back, just round the corner from Beth, as the rain eased off a bit, I popped into the flooring place and picked up my 2x2m roll of bathroom 'lino' which, to my great relief, goes very well with the tiles.  Phew.

After all that, late-ish afternoon, I went home and that was that for the day.  I spent the evening knitting and watching saved funny programmes.

Today is also busy but different.  The tiler is coming to grout the tiles and think she will be done by ten.  At twelve I have a couple of friends coming for lunch and then we're taking the bus (we all have passes) into town to see a local operatic/dramatic society doing 'Oliver' which should be huge fun.  One of us then has to go home but the other two will possibly have an early meal in town before getting the bus back.  Today should be fun!

I hope you have a good day too. xx

* does anyone else think this - 'geraniums (red) and delphiniums (blue).  I can't think of either without recalling that old AA Milne poem, The Dormouse and the Doctor.


  1. Morning Joy. I don't recall ever reading that poem (although probably did at school), but it's a lovely one. Have a nice weekend x

    1. Mum used to read it to me when I was very little - we had the books and she always read to us at bedtime without fail. Fond memories. I can hear her voice as I type this!

  2. The weather here did the same I too was hoping it would brighten but it didnt

    1. It does seem to be brightening up right now - so my fingers are crossed.

  3. I love the music in Oliver! I hope it’s a good production ( the local amateur ones often are) and that you enjoy your meal afterwards.

    1. The society has a very good reputation and I've always enjoyed their productions so my hopes are very high! It should be great.

  4. Oh Joy, thank you for the lovely poem. It's one I hadn't come across before and raised a smile on a grey morning.
