Wednesday 1 May 2019


Good morning, all.
Pinch and punch for the first of the month and White Rabbits!
April is over and May has begun so, of course, the weather is supposed to get colder again this coming weekend but, hopefully, only overnight for most of us.

Yesterday again felt as if I was walking a tightrope in a rather wobbly manner at times but I got things done, all the same.
I went into town but was very good, just getting the sheets I went in for plus a nice summer top from M&S.  I noseyed round Lakeland but wasn't really tempted (makes a change) and looked in a few smaller clothes shops too.  This season's colours really aren't me which is a Jolly Good Thing as far as my budget is concerned.

Once home, I popped the sheets into the washing machine before pegging them out to catch the sunshine.  I shall iron and air them today and then one will be ready to pop on Dad's bed on Friday.  Job done!

I've nearly finished the 'funeral jumper' now.  I'm just working on the neckband and then have a few seams to sew up.  As it's a nice, soft, light, aran 'weight' yarn, it might be good for more chilly summer evenings as it is not too solid and heavy.  If not - well, it can wait for next winter!

As always, it was nice at the Hare although in the three months since we last met up the prices have gone up shockingly, even for the smaller plate meals.  Par for the course, I guess, but the bill was a bit of a shock in comparison to last time.

Today I might go into the GP surgery early to pick up a repeat prescription and then on to the local shoe shop to look at some shoes they got in for me.  There's a bit of tuition planning to do and that ironing I mentioned earlier, plus the usual housework stuff.  Enough to keep me busy anyway, which is good.

Just a normal day and fingers crossed other stuff stays steady and doesn't create any more waves.


  1. Hope you have a lovely calm day without any upsets thrown your way.

    We have rain today so I won’t be going out and will maybe spend a bit of time in the kitchen cooking up some culinary delights for the freezer.

    1. THanks, Eileen. A shame about the rain; it's lovely and sunny here but we really could do with some rain at some point. The ground is very dry.

      I got your email - I need to read it through very carefully!

  2. Sorry to hear that there are waves I know the feeling we have the odd few here. I hope things settle and you are happy with things .

    1. Thanks, Diane. Waves are very unsettling - that kind of wave, anyway!

  3. Sadly a local cafe here kept putting their prices up and last year had to close down completely - their profit margins must be getting quite slim these days I think at the same time as everyone is having to watch the pennies.
    Sun coming out here - looks like a gardening day. x

    1. Oh, yes, I totally understand why - but it was still a bit of a shock.

  4. Glad you managed to get the sheets dried in the sun. There's nothing quite like sun-dried sheets. It's day 3 of rain here. Getting tired of it being so gloomy!

    1. Just to make you jealous, it's Thursday morning and the sun is shining again. Lovely.
      Sun dried sheets iron so well too, providing you don't let them get too dry.

  5. Hope today is a stress free day for you! I admire that you iron sheets!! I don't do that, but I know it makes them look very nice.

    1. It's one of my quirks - I don't like getting into a bed with unironed sheets. I blame my Mum for that one. lol

  6. I hope things sort out and settle down for you. You do manage to keep yourself busy and I like the way you plan your days. I'm trying not to buy any new clothes this season, as I have a full wardrobe if I can get my weight down one size!

    1. I find that if I don't organise, I get nothing much done.
      Good luck with the size down! How lovely to have nice clothes waiting for you.
