Tuesday 18 December 2018


Good morning, all!  It's chilly but dry outside with no frost that I can tell.  Maybe we will have another gloriously sunny day as we did yesterday.  I had to wear my sunglasses driving home yesterday as a travel more or less east and it remained beautiful all day.

Lists really help - I got everything on yesterday's list done and dusted and, attached to my workdesk, there are three large post-it sheets headed TUES, WED and THURS to which I am adding things as they come to mind.
The thing is, before anyone thinks I am panicking or over micro-managing, I just have those three days because on Friday I am off to my parents' again and I truly don't want a mad panic on Monday so time really is pretty short.

Back to yesterday.  Once home, I sorted my stuff out and called for C over the road as we were both invited to Coffee and Cakes at school.  It was lovely.  Parent-helpers, governors and staff having a good natter over a hot drink (and lovely looking cake but I was well behaved and stuck to my plan) while the children enjoyed a slightly longer playtime out in the sunshine.

When I came to look at my planning, I found I had plenty for yesterday and for today too, which is the last of the year.  That was good!

In the evening, I finished a cherry red pull on hat I've been making to go with a scarf.  They will go nicely with my navy coat, brightening it up cheerfully.

Today I have loads of little tasks starting off with picking up a prescription and a parcel, meandering through Hobbycraft (with a purpose), doing my online cards, sorting out my bedroom and putting on my Christmas sheets (yes, they are tartan and really cheerful) and sorting out some washing.  Nothing huge apart from, maybe, my bedroom!
I'm recording lots of programmes and working through them in the evening as I knit and sew.  It keeps me out of trouble!

For today's Advent offering, I found this picture yesterday.  I know it's just a Peanuts cartoon but I love it.  The children are so earnest and caught up in their singing, looking so joyful, it makes me smile.


  1. It's the last week of term, so I'm sure you understand, I've been a bit behind with blog reading. Like you, I also have a few things to deal with during the next few days as I already have plans for the weekend. I'll be panic buying on Christmas eve if I'm not careful.
    I'm loving the little picture. X

  2. Totally and completely understand. I hope it doesn't come to that - good luck with getting is all done, one bite at a time!

  3. I hace a friend coming to sew today and then I am finishing some bits and bobs of my own and the machine goes away. I will then clean the rooms that are the main decorations focus and start to bring the decorations out of their boxes. Mainly handmade with some new additions this year. Hiw calm Christmas is for me these days after nearly 40 years of nativities, concerts etc. Started to play Christmas music yesterday to get in the mood.,

  4. I think there's nothing like Christmas music to get the Christmas vibe going. Have a wonderful time.

  5. Oh, isn't that Peanuts scene marvellous. Just look at those little faces, supposedly singing, how clever the cartoonist has been to capture the way little children sing (or how we imagine they look, singing!)
    I think you are doing well to have managed to get the things on your list done and dusted. I dare not make a list, there would be too much on it! I've still the Christmas cake to bake, but it will be done!
    Margaret P

  6. The final bits and pieces can take longer than major projects. I am on with a bit of sewing now having finally finished the cards and Christmas letters. x

  7. Joy, I am enjoying your Advent offerings so much - they are quite inspiring. Watched the Charlie Brown cartoon the other day with my grandkids - so nostalgic for me and it still appeals to them.

  8. Margaret, I totally agree. It's a lovely scene, full of feeling. I got most of the stuff on my list done, thankfully.

    Viv, well done. I didn't do the cards but I did get some presents wrapped up which was nice. I have some knitting on the go which stops me from nibbling in the evenings.

    Chris - thank you, that's lovely. I'm really glad you like tham.

