Saturday 8 December 2018


Good morning, everyone.  I'm up really early this morning after a sleepy evening yesterday and a comparatively early night.  It's not a problem - I have plenty to do so the extra time is quite a blessing.

I started yesterday off by diving through the wind and rain to the garage to get the Christmas tree in.  On the way back the remaining handle on the bag broke and a slight split in the seam became a rather large slit so the first thing I did once back in the warm and dry was to get onto Amazon and order what is described as an 'extremely heavy duty bag for storing artificial Christmas trees'.  A snappy little name, don't you think.  Anyway, it's arriving on Monday and the old one is now in t'bin!

I assembled the tree and only one little branch fell off although there was a lot of 'shedding' and the carpet was well covered!

Then the lights.  I've had these lights for ages, it has to be nearly twenty years, and they've been great but when I turned them on - nothing.  I checked connections and they came on, then went back off again.  Darn it.  So it was off to B&Q to pick up some more - fortunately they had some just the same - garish, colourful and twinkly.

So it turned out to be a bit expensive but the tree and lights are now up awaiting the baubles.  It all looks merry, festive and lovely.

Beth turned up and we crafted together for a while before lunch, after which I popped off to school for my governor meeting with head and deputy to talk assessment.  Very interesting.

After that I went over the road from school to Morrisons and then home.

Then it was back to school at six for the school fair.  I did my duty, spent a bit of cash, met people who looked at me, did what used to be called a 'double take' and then made comments about 'not recognising' me.  That's happening a lot at the moment.  I know I'm slimmer but I didn't think I had changed all that much!   Obviously, I must have.
I got hugs from ex-pupils which was nice.
There was a lovely stall - two friends who have worked together to make 'real' wreaths.  They were really good so I splashed some cash there and one is now on the front door looking festive and welcoming.
(Thinking about it, yesterday really was very expensive.  I shall have to be very frugal this week to make up)

This morning it's mince pies and baubles with J and then the day's my own.  Ironing, sorting out some shelves in my bedroom and wrapping a few parcels are all on the list.

As it's Decoration Day, here's a Jacquie Lawson card - I wish it were that easy!
(I hope this works - click on the link)


  1. I think my day will be much like yours. The tree is in place but we were so exhausted from a busy week and swimming yesterday, that we didn't decorate it! I could also be persuaded to indulge in a mince pie or two. X

  2. Morning Joy, thank you for the Jacquie Lawson card, love them. The Christmas fair sounds lovely, how pleasing to have all those nice comments from people who didn't at first recognise you. I bet the door wreath looks great, nothing nicer than a real one, or a very cleverly crafted homemade one.

  3. Hi, Jules. Unfortunately, I need little persuading but motivation is high at the moment so, hopefully . . .
    Have a lovely time decorating that tree. :-)

    I love Jacquie Lawson cards too, ever since those early days. The wreath does look nice but I think I've hung it upside down. The bow goes at the bottom, doesn't it?


  4. We are contemplating buying an artifice tree after having the real thing for years. I think the expense will be worth it as real trees are now costing between £60-£70 for the size we want. Also would save us going out to buy and struggling with a large tree in the car. You must be so pleased to get those lovely comments. That should spur you on with the last few pounds if you really need to lose more. Have a relaxing weekend.

  5. Season's greetings to you too Joy, enjoy all the run-up bits ...

  6. Still haven't got the tree out here. Over the years we've had artificial ones, real cut ones and real live ones. Our last few were live ones, but after four of them we've run out of space to plant them! I can't deal with the pines falling off the real cut ones (and I feel kind of bad that I end up with this tree for a couple of weeks) so we're back to an artificial one. It works for us and there's no mess!

    Perhaps it's not just weight loss but you might look a lot happier. When I ended my job and I went back people couldn't believe how much happier I looked and I actually had colour! My hours were terrible and I was stressed all the time. People still say how relaxed I look lol.

    Have a good weekend!

  7. Catharine, I think it's well worth at least considering an artificial tree. There are some extremely good ones available nowadays and they last and last. For me the tree IS the big decoration so I don't mind paying out for something that will be used faithfully year after year after year.
    The comments are lovely but I do still have some to lose - I'm still in the 'overweight' banding and I do want to end up about the middle of the 'normal' banding really.

    And to you too, Annabeth, thank you! I have to say, it is lovely without the pressure of school stuff, much as I enjoyued school celebrations.

    Sharon - you could be right about looking happier. I know that I look more relaxed and less stressed and I guess that must make a big difference.
    Have a lovely time when you get out your tree.

