Monday 22 January 2024

Monday, 22-01-24

Good morning, everyone.  I'm hoping you are all safe and without any damage after last night's storm.  It's easing off here at the moment but is expected to pick up again late morning for a couple of hours.  
No damage here - I took that garden mirror in and lay down the egg chair and it was fine; I am thankful for a fairly sheltered garden and next door's tree is a very pliable one that bends rather than breaks.

Take care, everyone, while it blows itself out.

Yesterday was, as predicted, a nothing sort of day.  I snoozed morning, I snoozed afternoon and I went to be early because I was in danger of snoozing again and slept pretty well all night and until around seven this morning.  I think it must be a sort of post-viral weariness and I am thankful for a life where I can rest up when needed.
The storm didn't disturb; once those hearing aids are out, I hear practically nothing!

Today starts with circuits class, assuming the roads are OK, and then it's housework really.  a good old dust and sweep around should wake me up.  If I get a load of washing on first thing, it should be ready for any necessary ironing by late afternoon - especially if I take advantage of the wind and peg it all out.  I'll see how that one goes.

Once more, hoping things are OK with you all.  Take cate and stay safe.  xx


  1. No damage here thank goodness, just the wheelie bins doing their usual windy walkabout at the front of the house. It was a noisy night though with fence panels rattling and the letterbox 'knocking' on the door every few minutes. Thank goodness Mavis was over at her Dad's or she would have spent the entire night barking at imaginary postmen!!

    I did have a couple of strange dreams involving lots of door and cupboard door openings and closings ... which makes perfect sense. :-)

    1. Are you sure they were dreams? :-)
      I'm very glad things were OK your way. xx

  2. We've had a few things blown over but nothing damaged thank goodness. It's blowing a hoolie at the moment but hopefully will soon blow over

    1. I'm sure it will - or has done by now. xx

  3. We are surrounded by trees so heavy winds are worrying but everything seems to have withstood the battering.

  4. Glad everything is ok with you and your garden after the stormy weather. We are good here and seem to have avoided the worst effects. The sun is now shining brightly at least for a while and temperatures are on the rise.

    1. Thank you. It really has been milder. 12C is a big jump up. xx

  5. We've got lots of huge trees nearby, but all fine here, there was a tree down about a mile away, but it seems less damage than we might normally expect in the circumstances.
    Alison in Wales x

  6. Now really big winds here, but we are getting another dusting of snow.

    God bless.

    1. I hope the temperature is continuing to rise in your area. xx

  7. I’m in South Devon and we were exceedingly lucky compared to many! The worst of the weather was during the evening and by midnight it had started to move north. I hate the wind and I hate to see fallen trees. I believe there’s another storm on the way though! 😫

    1. Yes, I gather there is too but lighter than Isha. I hope so, anyway. xx
